Lost and Found.

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"Stop right there. What are you doing out of bed so late after curfew?"

"I was.. walking back?"

I turned around to face the person behind the voice. The hallways were dark enough, with their footsteps being too far for them to actually be visible to me.

If I wanted to, I could make a run for it, but I wasn't sure how athletic the person was.

"Yeah, you want me to believe that? You've been acting weird since dinner." He said.

I almost punched him when I saw his face.

Of course, out of all the prefects in Hogwarts, I had to be caught by the one that hated my mere existence.


"I'm not looking for a greeting, L/n. What were you doing out of your dorm so late after curfew?" He said, his wand lighting up as he approached me.

I should have just ran, honestly.

"None of your concern, is it. Now be a good Slytherin and let me get back without taking any house points."

"I'm a prefect. And I will not let you leave without taking points, unless you tell me what you are up to?" He kept his gaze stern and I gave him a sleepy smile.

"Nevermind. Take the points, doesn't really matter. Now can I leave?" I said already turning to walk away.

"Slow down." He said and I noticed him walking right next to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked really surprised at his accomodation.

"Making sure you don't lose any more points. You might not care about your house but I'd rather not lose to gryffindor again, because of your incompetency."

I rolled my eyes but slowed my pace to match his. It was better to suck it up than lose points to yet another prefect.

We walked quietly for a small while.

"So, you're not going to tell me what you were doing out so late?" He asked again and I glanced at him.

Was this really the same Tom Riddle that had been sharing the room with me over summers, or is someone trying to prank me with a wonderful polyjuice potion?

For some reason he seemed worried and that was honestly uncanny.

"I was not doing something wrong or anything. Just meeting someone." I replied still wary of him and obnoxiously aware of my wand in my pocket.

"Someone that you can't meet in the daytime? Does Severus know of it?" He asked and I sighed.

"Why do you even care? It's not like you would care if someone were to drag me in the forbidden forest to kill me and feed my corpse to the wolves."

"No, I wouldn't. But you're trying to hide something. How would Severus react if he figures out you've been meeting people after curfew, risking not only house points but your well being too? He doesn't have to know, of course." He replied smugly.

I sped up and turned the corner in the corridor.

"He will definitely be more concerned about why you've been following me around, everywhere. Also, aren't your patrols already over? What were you doing out this late?"

I took another glance at my watch. It was a quarter to three.

The prefect patrols mostly ended around one, or latest by half past one. And the patrols were always in pairs to make sure no one slacked off.

That and the general lack of other prefects in the hallways meant that the patrols had already ended.

Which meant, he had no reason to be wandering about right now.

"I was helping Professor Slughorn with future assignments and the preparation of next slug club meeting." He said nonchalantly.

"Wait. If you're not on patrol, that means you are not actually allowed to take house points off me, unless you take them from yourself too. From what I know, we are both not supposed to be here right now." I said slowing again and looking at him pointedly.

"Really? What should I do then? It's not that I can just take you to any professor and claim that I followed you out to catch you red handed in whatever deed you were committing. Oh, wait I can do just that."

The sarcasm made me want to trip his feet right then and there but I controlled myself.

"Yeah, and who says they are going to believe you over me? I could just say that you were the one who called me out, only to frame me, because you are very well jealous of my high academic achievements."

I stared at the empty hallway ahead. If I didn't have this big baby following me around, I could just walk by a shortcut and reach the dorms minutes ago.

"But you won't have anyone to back you off, while I can actually get professor slughorn as my witness."

"Do you really expect me to believe that you were working with him? I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure that guy has a bedtime of like 9 o'clock or something." I said waving off his uncharted concern.

Though the light was barely filtering the dark hallways of the dungeons, I was sure I saw his surprised smile, before he rolled his eyes.

"He's our professor. He wouldn't be pleased to know that's how you talk about him."

"He doesn't have to know, unless you want me to tell him that you've been trying to use his name to get out of detentions?" I looked at him for a reply but he remained quiet.

We didn't have to walk much further until we reached the secret entrance to the common room.

I whispered the password and we both walked in to an almost empty common room, with an exception to a lone boy writing a letter in the dull light of the fireplace.

"Thanks for the lovely night, Riddle." I said sarcastically, bowing to the said boy and start walking towards the girls dormitories, done with this conversation.

"Wait. Let's make a deal. I'll not deduct any house points from you, as long as you don't go on blabbering about tonight to anyone." He warned.

I nodded, giving him a two finger salute, and walk up the stairs.

Another successful interaction, with my arch nemesis without getting killed.

Though with my approach, that day didn't seem far.

Whatever, I had classes tomorrow and I could really use some sleep right about now.

May Merlin have mercy on me for tomorrow.



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