Dear diary!!(part two)

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I looked up from where i was, curled up on my bed, a notebook in my hands. Tom walked inside the room giving me a side glance and moving back to his desk, where he had spent most of the holidays.

I looked at him for a while before turning back to my little journal thing.


So, where was I before getting so rudely interrupted.

Yes! Laurie.

Even though it had been a week, I still couldn't get my head round the fact that she was here. But the more shocking part was what happened after.

Trying to get my thoughts together, I walked back to find my lost accomplice hiding behind a tree.

His novel lay unattended on the floor next to him as Riddle was crouching over something.

I got closer and somehow managed to stay unnoticed, when I actually saw what he was doing.

Riddle seemed to be petting a small garden snake. The green creature hissed at him and he hissed something back, really not wary of his surroundings.

He was lucky I was the one who had caught him and not anyone else.

I moved much closer to him and the snake moved back in a defensive posture, trying to make itself look bigger and Tom turned at me glaring.

"What are doing here?" He asked angrily and I could see the panic in his eyes for just a moment before they turned cold again.

"Just looking. I don't mean any harm." I said crouching next to him, my hands up in surrender.

I moved one of my hands towards the snake resting it at a safe distance, waiting for it to make the first move.

The snake hissed again but this time Riddle did not reply, not wanting to get caught by me.

I smiled softly as the snake slithered towards me resting his head on my palm.

"So, when did you figure out you were a parseltongue?"

This had Riddle quickly go  defensive of his state, as he glared at me even more intensely, if that was even possible.

"You tell anyone about this and I'll make sure you will have a hard time going around Hogwarts." He said threatingly and I nodded.

"I think it's cool, really. Being able to talk to animals, and that too snakes. Who knows what secrets slither in their little minds." I sincerely replied turning my attention back to the serpent, that was now slithering farther up my arm.

"It's a trait of Slytherin. Most wizards that know  parseltongue, turn out to be evil. I hope you'd understand why I wouldn't want that rumour spread." He now seemed much more composed with my reply.

"I understand. But I really dont believe knowing a language can make you evil. Its our choices, in the end that choose what you become."

I watched the snake making its way closer to my elbow with its mouth wide open and shivered slightly at the unpleasant feeling.

I wasn't sure if the snake was trying to size me up for food or was just in mood for a little hike.

Before I could hold it back, Riddle picked it up and placed it on the ground again, whispering something softly in parseltongue making the snake lean on his hand instead.

"Oh! So you do have a heart for animals. Or you just hold a weird grudge against owls." I asked amused by the calmness of the situation.

"Your owl has no sense of dignity and is useless. It could've been a nice company in the least but all it does is cry and whine in his little cage." Tom replies dryly making me roll my eyes.

"Alright! I don't want to hear anymore of it. You don't see me complaining about your snake trying to eat me."


"It has a name?! How long have known it?"

"Long enough. And 'it' is a 'he'."

I sighed at the unwelcomed attitude. He was being so difficult.

Before our conversation could have gone any further, the snake, Edward, hissed loudly and moved in the forest. Hearing footsteps, I turned around to see Martha making her way over to us.

I stood up straight and Tom leaned back on the tree, picking up his forgotten novel.

She smiled at me as she reached closer to us.

"How are you enjoying your day?" She asked.

"Pretty nice. This place is really... Fresh?" I said questioning my own choice of words.

"Yeah, I know the rooms get a bit cramped some times. Anyways, I was not here to chat. I just had to ask, now that you both are going to the ball, do you have your dresses ready?" She asked, lowering her voice for if anyone were to be eavesdropping.

I looked at Tom, not really aware of our dressing situation. Even though I would not be fond of spending my own money for such obscurity, but I wasn't going to give up on the deal. Specifically because it had taken so long for Riddle to even put some trust in me.

He turned to look towards me and then at Martha, finally talking to her for like the first time.

"I have my dress suit from last year. And Lucius said he wouldn't mind sending a dress for Y/n. You don't have to worry about it." He said shortly.

"Well, it seems you're both all set. Still, if you need any help getting ready, don't mind asking me, okay?" Martha said before scurrying away from Tom's harsh glare.

He didn't say a word to me after and went back to reading.

This seemed like the first time I had an actual conversation with him, and that too over him being a parseltongue.

It seemed the summer was helping me getting closer to Riddle, but I wasn't sure it would still be the same when we go back to Hogwarts.

Well, time will tell.


I closed the notebook and placed it in my bedside drawer. Riddle was writing something once again in his journal.

He seemed to be doing that a lot nowadays.

I got out of my bed and decided to get some fresh air. I needed some time to think.


A/n:- Just imagine if Treacle ate up Edward during one of his outings.😳

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