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Previously :-

I had quite a stern talk with Martha, the head warden of wools orphanage, about the whole how would you keep a secret pet, but she quickly accepted when I told her that he was the last gift left for me by my parents.

That obviously was not the truth but she didn't need to know that.

I observed the peace and quiet, Martha got down our luggage and waved Jake, the driver, away.

"We're finally home." Martha said with a genuine smile. "Well, why don't we get you settled in then!"

Maybe it would not be that bad.

Now :-

We walked through the messy hallways and cramped staircases.

"Most of the kids are at their schools right now. We will introduce you to them during dinner. Alright!" Martha said and I hummed a reply not wanting to be rude.

We walked a few bit more before stopping in front of a room. I looked at the small door behind her and she looked at me and Riddle.

"Well, before I show you your room, I have something important to discuss. " She looked at us for any reaction before continuing.

"You both will be sharing a room. I know its sudden and definitely not what you were expecting but we don't have any other rooms that we could move you in."

"Now if you want, I could shift your bed to share with one of the other girls. But I thought you'd feel more comfortable and safe since you both know eachother beforehand. So its your choice in the end." She said asking us.

I looked at Riddle and he seemed to be deep in thought. I decided it was his choice to make, since it was his room we were talking about and he had every right to choose whether he wanted to share it with anyone or not.

"Can I take a look at the room?" he asked and Martha nodded opening the door.

She stepped away and Riddle and I walked into the room.

The room was small with two single beds on either side of the door. The wall in front had a small closet along with the small trunks on the edge of each bed. A door near the closet led them to the washroom which had a toilet, a sink and a glass cubicle shower with dark gray curtains.

The room itself was aesthetically pleasing but it looked so unused it was almost creepy.

"I don't mind you being here as long you don't disturb me." He said and I nodded.

"Good. Now that that's settled, why don't you both wash up? Then you can set up your room's to your liking. I will be preparing for dinner and Y/n, tomorrow I will show you around the place." she said helping all our luggage in the room.

"Oh, also, If you ever have problem regarding the washroom, there is a joint one just down this hallway ok?" she said before going back out of the room.

As she walked away I closed the door behind her.

Tom already settled himself on the bed next to the window and went to the washroom to wash up.

I sat on the other bed, pulling my trunk closer to my bed. Quietly placing Treacle's cage on my bedside table, the little owl still wary of its surroundings, I moved over to my clothes, picking up the warm casual ones and placing them in our joined closet.

As I went through my stuff, I noticed the small vial of the silvery aging potion, still tucked safely with my school books at the bottom of the trunk.

I couldn't think of any way to productively use it and there was no way I was going to waste such an important asset. I covered the trunk with my hogwarts robes and the winter clothes which I knew I wouldn't need in this weather.

Pushing my trunk under my bed, I picked out the clothes I was going to change in right now and waited for Riddle to exit the bathroom.


After both me and Riddle had freshened up from our long journey, Martha called us over for dinner.

The orphanage felt more cheerful due to the students being back. Every place from the hallway to the stairs seemed crowded. It was a ridiculous amount of kids, really not suitable for such a confined space.

As we entered the hall, I noticed Martha standing by the kitchen counter, handing plates to kids.

The tables all around were filled with people of different age groups. Some of the older children were helping Martha along with other staff.

Riddle walked over to the counter and I followed, filling up my plate with a little amount of food. We both sat at the quieter end of a long table.

Some students had already eaten and retreated to their rooms.

Riddle and I sat peacefully eating our food when the chairs in front of ours were moved by two considerably younger girls.

One of them had gorgeous red hair which was tied in two smooth braids, adorned by bright yellow ribbon. The smaller one had shiny black hair in a bob cut with a vibrant red hairband.

The two sat in front of us whispering to each other. After a while of hushed conversations, the red head leaned over the table.

"Psst!!" she said quietly catching my attention. Even Riddle looked up from his plate, rolling his eyes at the probably familiar girl.

I looked at her questionably and her friend nudged her.

"Do you really go to a special magic school?" she asked and I almost choked on my food, coughing slightly as I tried to swallow the bite.

"Who told you that?" I asked her quietly.

"Martha did!" she said showing a toothy grin.

"And why do you want to know?" I asked playing along to entertain the little girl for some time.

"Dustin told me that if I snitch on him, Martha would send me to Tom's school where they starve people for talking. But Martha said it is a school for special people like princesses." She said excitedly and Riddle scoffed beside me, putting his empty plate back on the counter and walking back up the stairs.

"Yes, our school is really special but do you know what makes it so magical." I asked and the redhead nodded, leaning over the table.

"The people who believe in love and always fight for the right against evil." I said and the black haired girl pulled her back.

"See, I told you, there's no thing as magic." she said to the girl and the latter shook her head.

"Yes, there is. I dream about it every night. A large castle, with unicorns, and giants and a beautiful princess wearing a pretty green dress." she said closing her eyes to better remember said fantasy.

"EW!! Princesses don't wear green. Its an ugly colour, they only wear pretty colours, like, pink and red and orange, not green. It must be a really ugly princess."

"No, she's really pretty. Even prettier than Martha. She's got a big smile and a lot of jewelleries." The girl said and her friend scoffed ending the discussion.

I got up away from them, having finished my dinner. Returning my plate to the counter, I walked back to my room, knocking twice before entering.

Riddle sat on his chair near the window, writing something in a notebook.

I decided to get ready for bed being tired and sleepy after having the delicious food.

I picked out my nightwear and went to the bathroom to change and brush my teeth.

After being done with my business I went and quietly laid on my bed, Riddle going to bed soon after.

The room was dark except for the dim moonlight coming from the curtained window. I started at the only source of light wondering about how the redhead at dinner seemed all too familiar.

Why did it seem like I was missing something very important?



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