The detention

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I walked to my dorm after buying my new potions book, parchment and quills.

I was ruining my visit here. I am enemies with the people I'm suppose to save and I still don't have any idea what I'm gonna do. Why would Dumbledore trust me with such an important thing. *sigh* I'll figure something out. I have to. I always do.

Just wait for a bit and go with the flow. You have the whole summer with riddle. You can do this. I hype myself up as I try to be optimistic.


I woke up and was already having a feeling it was going to be a bad day. I was up earlier than any of my dormmates so I decided to just take a walk round the castle.

I got ready and walked out of the dorm to the common room. I saw a person sitting on one of the couches reading a book. It took me some time to realize it was Severus.

"good morning." I said not waiting for a reply and kept walking out of the common room. It was quite obvious I was not fully awake.

As I took a walk around the huge school I let my thoughts wander. The plan was not working quite efficiently. I was completely busy with the gryffindor-Slytherin war and was quite sure I would not be getting any time to talk with Riddle. I will have to wait till the holidays to make my move.

I walked on the edge of the forbidden forest for a bit before going back to the great hall for breakfast.

Time skip:-

The classes were over and after having a small dinner, I made my way to my dorm to keep my muggle studies book back in my trunk.

When I reached there I was glad to find it empty and quickly walked returning my book to the trunk. I heard a low chirp and opened the window to let Treacle in and give him a well deserved treat.

He didn't actually had to go to get or bring letters but he deserved a treat for not disturbing me and being such a good pet.

He nibbled my fingers and flew out of the window. As I was closing the window I heard the door open and a prefect stepped in.

"Y/n L/n", she said, "Proffesor McGonagall is waiting for you. You have a detention I suppose?"

I closed the window and sighed. I totally forgot about the worst thing in all this chaos going on in my life.

"I'll be there in a second." I said as she nodded and left.

I closed the window and looked around to make sure everything was in place. Then I quickly walked out of the dorm and down the stairs to the common room.

It was filled as expected, students talking after a long day of classes. I walked past them out of the common room to see Professor McGonagall standing there.

"took you long enough." she said and started walking as I followed close behind her.

After walking around for some time we arrived to a large room. I very easily recognised the place as the trophy room as I had spent many of my detention hours here with the twins cleaning the trophies without magic.

I walked in behind professor McGonagall to see Potter and Black already there with Mr. Filch.

"you three will be cleaning the trophies here without magic. You can leave when all of them are cleaned. Mr. Filch will be here to make sure you don't try anything stupid. Wands!" she said holding out her hand as I gave my wand to her. She turned to Potter and Black who just looked back at her.

"wands!?" she said again as Black looked at her.

"oh Minnie! You can trust us. We won't use magic to get out of detention." he said with a smirk as professor McGonagall shook her head performing accio to get their spells. Then she left but not before giving all three of us a stern glance.

Mr. Filch gave us a nasty glare before going and standing next to the door guarding it and keeping an eye on us.

I looked at the other two who were just looking at me. I walked to the table in the room and picked up a clean rag and went to the nearest shelf and sat down taking a trophy as I started cleaning it.

I felt their eyes on me but I knew it was better to not start a conversation. Yes, they did apologise but it didn't mean I would become their friend now and I was happy as I saw them get to work too not really talking to me but just making small conversations amongst themselves.

Time skip:-

I didn't know for how long was I there. I kept moving from one trophy to another, one shelf to another till I was on the farthest corner of the room. I smiled as I cleaned the last trophy and just on time professor McGonagall walked in.

I walked to her while the other two were too busy amongst themselves to notice her. I had completely zoned them out while working so it was a strange sight to see them in the way they were.

Sirius was trying to balance a trophy on his head while James was laughing on the ground at his failed attempt.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat catching their attention. The sudden interruption caused the trophy to fell from Sirius's head but before it could touch the ground, James caught it. Well, seeker skills.

He kept the trophy back and they both walked over to us. Professor McGonagall looked around the room and performed a spell to check if everything was cleaned. Then she gave us our wands and a lecture which was constantly interupted by Black.

Then she told us to leave and we walked in different directions. They went right and upstairs to the gryffindor tower, while I made my way down towards the dungeons.

Soon I reached the almost empty common room and went straight to my dorm, the girls were asleep as I sat on my bed.

It didn't go as bad as I thought. Guess the apology did mean they would stop interfering in my life.

At least something was not completely out of control. I thought as I took out some clothes and went to change in the bathroom.

Maybe things are not as wrong as I thought.

A/n:- I'm soo sorry for the uneven updates. Its not writers block. I have the whole story planned out but I'm having a lot of tests one after another and I get less time to write down the chapters.

But yet thanks for reading this and for waiting for the updates. It's really well appreciated.

Thank you XxEthanKunxX and Mariana_Riddle007 for the votes. It really helps a lot.

(PS: I know James Potter was a chaser but him being seeker is necessary for the sake of the story, thanks)

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