Laurie and peeves

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Previously :

As I was just staring at the letter when someone knocked at my door.

"Yes?" I asked.
"Proffesor qMcGonagall has come to talk to you Y/n" the warden answered.
"Alright, coming" I said as I got up and sighed.


Your Pov:

I walked out of my room squeezing past the group of teens talking in front of their rooms. I literally didn't had any friend in here except for the warden, Madam Laurie. She was a young sweet lady who liked spending her time at the orphanage and talk to children, now she decided to work here. She was sweet but strict at the same time. And we had something similar. It was always so easy to talk to her about anything. I guess I just had a way with adults.

As I walked down the stairs I saw Laurie stood at the doors of the living room, hands folded, and a frown on her face. This wasn't good.

"Hey Laurie" I greeted sheepishly as she looked over to me.
"Did you do something? "she asked with a worried tone. " they are not going to expel you are they? "

"Well, I did do somethings, like, changing all gryffindor Quidditch robes to green so they would have a lot of trouble playing against Slytherin, I did add some babbling potion in professor Snape's tea so he would speak more on Christmas. I also did scare the crap out of Proffesor flitwick with help of peeves for which I apologised. And a few pranks here and there. Nothing too dangerous. " I looked at her as I stopped counting on my hands.

"You- what? You pranked two professors? Are you insane? And you changed the colour of gryffindor Quidditch robes- well that's kinda cool- but you shouldn't have done that. No wonder McGonagall's so mad. Oh Y/n what will you do if they expel you. You need your newts to get a job remember. " she sighed as she went on full panicking mode. She started rambling about future and circumstances and importance of education until I brought her back to reality.

"Hey it's alright! They can't just expel their smartest student. Also Professor Dumbledore liked all those pranks he's not gonna let me get into any trouble. He sent me a letter saying he just wanted to discuss some things in his office. Might me telling me about my brilliant grades, or maybe even good ideas for pranks. Or just might have lost a bet against professor McGonagall. I'll be fine. I should go talk to him, he's waiting for a while now." I said.

"Yeah just write me a letter if there is any problem, Okay?"
"Yeah I'll."

I walked over to her and she hugged me. Then, we both walked in the living room where professor McGonagall was sitting on a sofa with a frown on her face.

"Good evening Proffesor McGonagall." I greeted her.
"Good evening Y/n." she replied as she stood up.

"Ready to go I suppose." she said with a smile, as I looked over to Laurie.

With a flick of her wand my suitcase and Treacle's cage comes flying to the room.
"Yep! " I said as I walked over to Professor McGonagall and held her hand as we both apparated.

After a bit of dizziness I lookedp in front of me to see the gaint castle glistening in moonlight. A smile graced my face as I looked at it. Fifth year here yet it seemed so new, so homely. As I was just standing there with my cage, not noticing Proffesor McGonagall who was giving me amused glances, a shadow passed by. The moment was quickly ruined by a shower of rain drenching us both.

I looked over to see peeves floating with some water balloons in his hands. And my regular smirk came back as I looked at him. " hey buddy! How's it going?" he looked at me not expecting me to be here.

"Oh hey Y/n! It's become really boring without you and twins."
I looked at him and grinned.

"Why need them when you have got me? " his grin just widened as those words left my mouth until we were both very rudely interrupted by professor McGonagall literally dragging me to Dumbledore's office. As I stepped in my robes dried off. I looked over to see professor McGonagall drying herself up now.

I went and sat at one of the couches near the fireplace. I heard footsteps and turned around.

"Good morning Professor Dumbledore. "
"Good morning Miss l/n."

"So I wanted to talk to you about.... "

A/n: thanks for reading. Please tell me if there's any mistake our if you'd like me to change the format or anything.


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