The last trip.

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Surprisingly after the apology, Lily and Severus's relation improved quickly. The two formed the same trust again and it was nice to see them both being themselves.

Somehow, people took this change nicely and those you yelled at Severus before also apologised after a much needed lecture from Lily.

I had finally done something worth but it was no time to celebrate.



I added some pancakes to my plate as everyone looked around awkwardly at the scene in front of them.

Today, Lily invited me and Severus to eat breakfast at the gryffindor table with the marauders. It was her idea to make them get to know each other better and I was supposedly just there for moral support and to make sure no one dies.

I helped myself to some syrup and took a look around the table once again sensing the tension.

James and Severus glared at each other while Lily sat between them awkwardly trying to ease the tension by starting small conversations.

Sirius between me and Remus glaring heatedly at Severus, his hand clenched on the fork he was holding, his food lay unattended. Remus had one of his hands on Sirius's arm to make sure he could hold him back if things went from push to shove.

Peter on my other side sat peacefully eating his food while going through the daily prophet crossword puzzle.

I shrugged and continued eating my food.

Then Lily coughed slightly and both Severus and James reached out for a glass of pumpkin juice. They glared at each other and I sighed. This was going to be a hell of a day.

"Uhmm." I cleared my throat handing Lily the glass and she thanked me taking a sip of the cold liquid.

"So, what are you guys going to do during your summer holidays? Any plans?" I asked and when no one replied Lily took it upon herself.

"Well, Petunia really wanted to go to this family summer camp thing where the Dursleys are going. So we will be spending most of our summer there." She said and I nodded.

"Great family bonding time, huh? What about you, Sev?"

Severus looked at me and shrugged.

"I really don't want to go over at any relatives so we will be staying at home. But there is the iconic Malfoy's ball, so I guess that's something." he said non chalantly.

"And you James?" I asked now taking minimal effort to help Lily. She doesn't have to go through all this shit alone.

"We have all decided to go over to Moony's. His mum invited us personally." James said and Sirius nodded.

"Yeah, about that, guys." Peter said looking up from his puzzle. "I won't be able to join you this time. You know my uncle that lives in Australia. He got some rare disease and mum said we have to visit him."

"It's fine, Peter." Remus replied. "What about you Y/n where are you staying? You are always invited to come over, you know. My mum won't mind any new friends."

"Thank you, Remus, but I'll have to pass. Proffesor Dumbledore already arranged a place for me. It's a muggle orphanage I suppose but it's better for a few months stay."

"A muggle orphanage!? No offense, but that's like the worst place Dumbledore could have found. Like honestly, how are you even supposed to be there? Won't people question where you study and being the only witch there, how are you going to keep it a secret?" Sirius said distastefully.

"Well, firstly, you don't have to worry about me. I will be just fine. And secondly, I'm not going to be the only magic person. You know the Slytherin prefect, Tom Riddle, he is staying there too and has been for a while, so I guess I'll be okay." I said not seeing a reason for this sudden concern from the usually annoying blackhead.

Sirius leaned in making everyone do so as he said in a quiet voice.

"That guy's bad news. I'd stay away from him if I were you. I don't know what it is about him but I've seen him a lot at places I'm sure he's not supposed to be at. He's got something bad going on." he said and Lily nodded looking over the table at the said male who gracefully ate his food, concentrating only on the book on his lap and away from the noisy crowds.

"I think I can take care of myself, thanks." I said getting up as I was finished.

"Hey, wait. I was thinking we all should go to hogsmeade together. You know, it is our last trip this year." Lily said.

"Sorry Lily, we actually have to meet the DA club in hogsmeade today." Severus said getting up to and I nodded.

"Maybe next time, love." I said nodding everyone a bye before walking out of the great hall, Severus on tow.


My fluffy earmuffs and thick scarf helped me a lot with the cold as we strolled through the crowded roads of hogsmeade. After just walking around aimlessly, the group had finally decided to go to the three broomsticks for some warm butterbeers.

I just strolled behind the group not really paying attention to the ongoing discussion but the snow covered scenery that I would surely miss during the summer.

We finally stepped inside the crowded inn, instantly feeling warmth due to the fire and the familiar scent of butterbeers.

The group was able to find a table large enough to fit everyone and we settled down while three boys went to get everyone the drinks.

"Well its settled then. Make sure you are prepared for the next year club meetings." said Lucius and the end of the topic brought about a chatter of conversation.

Soon the drinks were brought and everyone started enjoying the warm delicacies.

I too held the warm glass with both my hands, letting the warmth tingle.

The chair next to me moved but I decided to not pay much attention, rather looking outside the window of this cozy building, noticing the small snow flakes fall slowly from the sky.

"Hey. I suppose you payed attention to what was being told in the meeting today?" Riddle said and I looked at him. He sat next to me staring at the window too, sipping his butterbeer.

"Yeah!" I replied turning my attention back outside.

"Well, I just came here to tell you something. We are going to spend a hell lot of time together at the orphanage. So why don't we try to keep it civil. I hope you won't want anyone to know about us being magic." he said and I pondered over his well-said words.

He was right. There was a high chance of letting the secret slip out at the orphanage if we kept bickering and it could actually help me get more information.

"Sure. But just for the holidays. Don't expect me to be your little pet once we get back here." I said giving him a small smirk.

"We'll see." he said and stuck his hand out for a handshake.

I sealed the deal by loosely wrapping my hand around his and giving him a little curtsy before going back to sipping my drink.

He too moved back to his place and joined some other conversation.

The white flakes fell softly on the snow covered ground and everything was filled with peace.

The dim evening and the yellowing street lights made the scene even more fascinating and heart warming but this was not going to last long.

Just like the warm beverage in my hands that was gone in a gulp...

Well, I guess one or two more won't hurt. I mean I'll probably need them for the terrifying summer adventure.

Wish me luck!


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