Slughorn's Christmas Party

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Previously :-

"I can get the ingredients and make the aging potion. I mean I'm not the best at it but I can work well with instructions." Remus said and I smiled.

"are you sure?"


"alright." I said. "but after the full moon. I want to see how the potion works out for you first."

"alright." he said and we both got up ready to go back to our respective common rooms before the marauders figure out they have been trying to follow a fake Remus all along.

Now we just had to wait.

Next :-

I felt people stare at me as I paced around the corridors. Me and Severus were standing in front of the gryffindor common room waiting for Lily who seemed to be taking forever.

She had decided to go to the party with Severus as friends. And here we were already 20 minutes late from the expected time.

It wouldn't really have mattered if it was a normal party but Professor Slughorn really expected the slug club to be disciplined and excited to meet his ex-students.

Finally, Lily walked out of the common room. She looked fabulous like always with a yellow prom dress reaching up to her knees and her hair in an elegant bun.

She walked over to me and Sev and did a little twirl.

"how do I look?" she asked and Severus cleared his throat before holding his hand out and speaking in a posh accent.

"you look gorgeous, my lady." she smiled holding his hand and did a mock bow.

"thank you. I can say you look quite ravishing yourself, dear sir." she said mimicking his voice and they both burst out laughing.

"alright if you are done with your compliments, we should be moving. We are already like half an hour late." I said and Lily linked her arms with me and Sev shaking her head.

"its called being fashionably late, love." she said and laughed again at her terrible attempt at the accent.

We reached the classroom which was decorated by the house elves. The classroom was dimly lit with the bluish candles and had a bunch of tables with four chairs each.

At the front of the classroom a platform was erected so the kids in the back could also see the guests when introduced. Most of the students were already there standing next to their dates.

I actually had no date. I had already talked to Professor Slughorn and he said it was not a ball and just a normal party. Hence, having a date was not necessary.

Still not wanting to third wheel on people I had asked out Lily and she said me, her and Sev can go together as friends.

Everyone seemed to be talking about something or the other. Lily and Severus were gushing over the outfits people had put out for the party.

Most people were wearing gowns or dress robes. Just a few people dressed casual.

I was wearing a dark green sweater and jeans. My watch and the gold chain of the time turner, which was now invisible due to Remus's help, were my only accessories.

I saw Tom standing in front of us talking to Professor Slughorn. He himself wore a black turtleneck and black jeans with quite a few silver rings adorning his fingers and a single silver chain hanging from his neck which seemed to be shining brightly even in the dim light of the room.

"alright everyone, please settle down." Professor Slughorn said as he moved to the high platform in the front.

Students started moving to sit with their friends or dates. I saw a table with the marauders while the other table only had two seats left.

"you can sit there." ï told to Lily and Sev, pointing to a table with two hufflepuff.

I went to sit with James, Sirius and Peter.

"where is Remus?" I asked and Professor Slughorn started introducing people.

Peter pointed behind me to a table where he sat with Amos Diggory. A seventh year hufflepuff and the head boy.

"what are you three even doing here? You are not even a part of the slug club." I said not understanding why the fiery gryffindors would like to attend something as lame as a Christmas party without drinking or dancing.

"what do you think? We got dates." Sirius said winking at a girl next to our table as she turned away blushing.

I just rolled my eyes.

The party was going well. After Professor Slughorn was done introducing people, everyone started eating dinner. At some point I was a part of the conversation but I just smiled and waved in acknowledgement.

After everyone was done eating the tables were removed and people walked around talking to each other. The guests were talking to students and people were drinking fruit punches.

I walked away from the crowd walking to a secluded corner where I saw Remus standing keeping an eye on his friends while sipping his drink. I walked to him and greeted him with a good evening.

"did you take your potion today?" I asked and he nodded.

"before the party. It still tastes horrible." he said making me laugh and I nodded.

"I also got the ingredients." my eyes widened as he said that. He got the ingredients?! It had literally been two days since we talked about it.

"how?" I asked still in shock.

"I have my ways we just have to wait till full moon then we can start it." he said as he finished his drink and placed it down on the counter.

"yeah, ok." I said nodding slightly to myself.

If this works out it will be a lot more easier to protect people.

We just had to wait and see.

A/n:- haven't really got anything to say.

Hope you had a good day/night.

Drink some water and stay hydrated.

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