Pureblood dormmates and First class

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Previously :-

Well, so much for remaining invisible. At least I would get less famous dorm mates.


As I walked in my dorm I saw 4 beds. Then I saw treacle's cage and my trunk next to a bed next to the window. It had a very beautiful view of the black lake. As I opened treacle's cage, I heard footsteps coming towards the door. It opened with a creak and I saw three girls walk in chattering among themselves.

As they saw me the one in front, with blonde hair and honey coloured eyes muttered under her breath something in the line of, "if it wasn't crowded enough already."

She walked over to me with the black haired girl while the third just sat on her bed with a book.

"I am Scarlett, Scarlett McQueen." the blonde said." and this is Mary Parkinson. What's your name?"

I looked at the third girl before looking at them again. Alright, not the best dorm mates I see. What was I expecting? This is Slytherin!

"Y/n, Y/n L/n." I said as I stood my eyes never leaving hers.

"a mud blood?" she asked with disgust. Oh I would love to beat the shit out of her.

" half blood actually." I said composing myself as treacle flew down on my shoulder and started growling and hooting at the two girls.

They walked out in the common room again speaking things like "better than a mudblood" and "she doesn't know who my father is".

The third girl then came over to me with an outstretched hand as she introduced herself.

"they are the same with everyone, don't mind them. I'm Narcissa by the way, Narcissa Black."

My eyes widened, I clearly forgot Draco's father and mother were in this year too. I gave her a small smile and introduced myself before she was called by some other girl into the common room.

Well so I am alone again. I bid treacle good bye after giving him a few treats and changed into my pjs. I laid down on my bed and immediately fell asleep. It was a tiring day!

The next day :-

The next day, I woke up with a start. I was late. Shit!

No one in my dorm woke me up and now I was hurriedly getting ready for potions. I changed into my robes, ran a brush through my hair and let it fall on my shoulders, picked up my potions book and hurried towards the classroom.

I will have to skip breakfast the first day at Hogwarts. What a luck!

The potions classroom was not too far from the common room. I looked at the closed doors of the classroom. I liked making grand entries but being late was not my thing. I composed myself and calmed down my breathing as I slowly opened the door.

"and then we will be-" professor slughorn stopped what he was saying and looked at me. "you are five minutes late Ms-? "

"Y/n L/n. Sorry professor but the time is a bit different here from what I'm used to in beauxbatons." I lied with a small smile.

"Ah I see. Come in then. Don't be late again." he said. I nodded and walked in closing the door behind me as I sat next to a Slytherin girl I didn't recognize and didn't bother to know about.

"Alright, so as I was saying after I read the names we will be making the potion to cure common poisons. You will require Bezoar, Mistletoe Berries, and Unicorn Horns. I want your first class to be interesting rather than just writing notes, alright! Avery, Adam!- " he said as he started reading the names.

I zoned out as I looked around at the students. The class consisted of gryffindors and Slytherins so it was full of people just glaring at each other for no reason. I responded with a quick "here professor" when my name was called and just looked at my book after.

As the names finished he rolled the parchment and kept it aside looking at the students.

"Let's start shall we? Everyone grab you cauldron and the ingredients and will start when I tell you. You'll be working alone, no partnering up. Alright everyone got their ingredients? So you have by the end of this class to finish your potion. Start now." he said excitedly as he moved around looking and helping different students.

I looked at my cauldron. This was going to be easy. I had already made it in my fourth year and knew the ingredients by heart. I closed my book and started making the potion.


The potion was almost finished. I only had to add the last ingredient, mistletoe berries, then stir it clockwise 4 times and then the now green potion will turn colourless and odourless and ready to be served.

As I was adding the berries someone raised their hand telling they had finished the potion. I looked over to see Tom riddle. Professor approached him saying, "Always the first huh, Tom?"

He examined the potion and gave him a firm nod.

"Perfect as always. Ten points to Slytherin. Come on, everyone, there's still some time left. " he said as he went over to examine the now completed Snape's potion.

As I was done stirring I saw the potion boiling and then turning clearless like water. I raised my hand as I was done and professor slughorn trotted over to me.

"Done already Ms. L/n?" I nodded as he started examining it. He stirred the potion then smelled it and smiled at me. " Well done Ms. L/n. Brewed perfectly well." he said with an amused smile as he turned to the class.

"Only three students? Anyone else completed yet?" he asked as a red head raised her hand.

I recognised her as Lily soon-to-be Potter. I saw her picture in the daily prophet during Harry's first year at Hogwarts and also in the yearbooks Proffesor Dumbledore used to show me.

"Yes, Lily, of course!" he examined her potion as the bell rang.

"Alright everyone, your homework is to write a 2 metre parchment on veritaserum, it's ingredients, uses, the restrictions applied by the ministry on it and the reason behind them. Now off you go to your next class."

After Proffesor Slughorn said that everyone started gathering their stuff. As I was about to walk to my next class professor slughorn walked over to me.

"You are a bright witch. I expect a lot from you. " he said as he patted my back.

I smiled as I replied with a, " I am looking forward to learn a lot from you sir." he nodded as I walked out of the almost empty classroom to the next class, transfiguration.

Well, even though I was starving for breakfast, the plan was going quite well. After having professor slughorn in my confidence it wouldn't be long before I am asked to join the slug club and that would be my first step to join Tom's DA club.

*groan* I really need to raid the kitchens after transfiguration.

A/n: IMPORTANT!! so I am making it in such a way that there is a DA club which stands for dark arts (not the Dumbledore's army). It is organised by Tom along with other future death eaters (excluding Bella, Cissy or any other girl).

Thank you Amul006 and snowpheonix2006 for your comments and votes, it really motivates me and encourages to continue the story. Thank you for reading my work.

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