The Letter in the Dark

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Previously :-

Somehow ending up spending my summer sharing a room with Riddle and the weird kids at dinner were the highlight of my first day at the wool's orphanage.

The room was dark except for the dim moonlight coming from the curtained window. I stared at the only source of light wondering about how the redhead at dinner seemed all too familiar.

Why did it seem like I was missing something very important?

Now :-

I got up later than I had wanted that morning and saw Riddle already sat on his desk, all dressed up for the day. He seemed to be writing a letter of some sorts on a spare piece of paper.

I quickly got ready for the day. Rather than sticking around with Riddle, couped up in our room, I decided to go out and meet up with Martha.

Walking down the rushed stairs, I looked around briefly for the head warden before finding her in the kitchen.

There, I could smell the delicious whiff of buttered toast. Martha stood in the centre of the open space, ordering the people around.

She smiled when she noticed me and walked over.

"Good morning dear! The breakfast will be ready in a bit. Why don't you wait by the tables till then?" She asked. I looked around and noticed the lack of staff in the kitchens.

"Do you need any help here?" I asked and she sighed.

"We wouldn't mind a little help, yes. The kids are starting their summer vacations today, and none of them are really willing to spend their first day off helping us in the kitchens."

I nodded and walked over to the sink to wash my hands. Moving back next to Martha I gave her a wide grin.

"So, where do I start?"


I spent almost an hour or half arranging sandwiches and chatting with the other helpers.

Halfway through, we had started serving breakfast, so the younger kids could eat it while it was still warm.

When the crowd of the hungry gremlins subdued, Martha told me to go eat wih the others. I washed and wiped my hands and walked out of the mahogany doors.

Reaching the hall, I sneaked another look at the tables. I had looked around several times, trying to find Riddle, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Even though I still owned a great dislike for the said person, I wouldn't want him to starve himself to death.

Rather than getting my plate, I started walking back up the stairs.

Once I reached our room, I knocked on the door twice before slightly opening it. Riddle sat on his desk writing something. He turned to me expectantly.

"The breakfast is already prepared. Are you not hungry?" I asked and still waited leaning on the doorframe. "I'll be down in a few." he said and went back to his writing.

I walked back down the stairs and picked out my breakfast. Sitting once again on the quieter end of the table I finished my breakfast eagerly and waited near the kitchens for Martha to show me around.

Meanwhile, Riddle had gotten out of his hibernation and joined the breakfast table.


It was late in the evening when I had decided to return back to my room.

After breakfast, I had spent most of my time touring the place with Martha.

I met a few welcoming people and sat on a bigger table during lunch with my new acquaintances.

But finally getting bored of being socially productive, I decided to go back to my one dear friend.

It wasn't much of a surprise when I saw Treacle was not in his cage. He hadn't returned, since I had let him free.

But what was more of a surprise was that my grumpy companion for the summer was nowhere to be seen.

Riddle had left open the window next to his desk and I decided it would be fine to take a view at the scenery.

The window opened to the slim, dark forests, behind the orphanage after a small clearing.

I took in a deep breath taking it all in. It was times like these that helped me realise my purpose to be here.

The soft wind fluttered against the trees making the branches shake in a welcoming gesture. A loud hooting was heard and a strange white owl flew around in the air before swooping in the window directly next to my face.

I backed away and looked at it. It had a bright letter tied to its claws and was looking at me expectantly.

I got the letter of its leg but before I could pet him, he flew away back through where he came, hooting loudly in the quiet of the approaching night.

The letter in big, fancy letters wrote,

Tom Marvolo Riddle,
Wools orphanage, London.

Abraxas Malfoy,
The Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, England.

I looked at the envelope suspiciously.

I was not the kind of person who liked willingly meddling in others business, but the reason that i was sent here required me to extract as much information as I could.

Still, it felt really odd reading someone else's letter without permission.

I stared at it for while before placing it on his desk and walking back to my bed.

It was probably something stupid anyway and I could always ask Severus if they were planning something weird.

It seemed I had made the right decision because Riddle walked back in the room just in time, looking at me strangely for staring out of the window deep in thought.

I acknowledged him with a nod and went to the washroom to not appear suspicious while he read the letter.

Through the slightly open door of the connected bathroom, I saw Riddle reading the letter, placing it in his bedside drawer and going back to reading on his desk like nothing happened.

Something was definitely going on and I will figure it out.


The dinner seemingly went eventless, well, except for the pestering kids and the not-so-quiet gossips about me and Riddle sharing a room.

Somehow that stone faced bitch had managed to woo the muggle maidens and their dismay at the sudden intrusion in the privacy of their prince charming was quite obvious to the naked eye.

I was eager to get back to the safety of my room, not wanting to be in the middle of a crossfire.

Riddle had finished his dinner early and was waiting to talk to Martha, which was very unusual seeing as he somehow always managed to ignore the said lady.

I had been wanting to hang around to catch a word of what was going on, but the delicious food and the movement throughout the day had me pretty tired.

So, I decided to go back to our room and get ready for bed.

Treacle was still yet to return and I was not expecting any other owls to arrive at such duration of the day. Hence, I decided to close the window.

Done with my nightly business, I was just about to disappear under my blanket, when Riddle burst in the room looking enraged.

Startled by the sudden action, I stared at him unnerved before getting a hold of my senses.

He stared at me furiously before not-so-subtly rolling his eyes.

" L/n! I need a favor from you."


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