Worth the worry!!

970 36 5

It was 7 p.m. already and I was still yet to start getting ready. 

Right now, as I stood in front of the mirror, was when I realised what I had done.

Not only did I make a stupid bet with a future serial killer, who could with no doubt, end my life when he got bored, but also spent almost a hundred dollars on a dress that I'm potentially never going to wear again.

And even that was fine.

But now, I'd truly done it.

I wrote a letter to Remus informing him of the poor choices I had made in my vary course of life.

And now, I awaited for my feathery friend, hoping that at least Remus would know a way out.

Riddle walked out of the bathroom, where he had been doing his hair and immediately scrunched his eyebrows when he realised I hadn't even started getting ready.

"You are aware that we will be leaving today?" His sarcastic comment made me roll my eyes.

"Yes! And are you aware that we still have 3 hours until we leave? 3 whole hours!!" I replied.

"Which is why, I expect you to be ready by the time we get to leave. I don't know how long you take to do so but 3 hours should be more than enough. Unless you are thinking of backing of, which, I should remind you, is not something you would want to do."

Before I could even reply to the underlying threat in his words, my attention turned to the pecking on the window.

Treacle sat by the windowsill, a letter tied to his leg as he scratched through his feather.

"Who are you writing to now?"

"None of your business, is it? And don't worry, I'll be ready soon. Now shoo!" I waved my hand at him, quickly untying the letter which I hid behind my back.

"Alright! You have three hours." Riddle said before leaving and I locked the door after him, sitting at my bed to stare at the mail.

Treacle sat on my bedside table hooting loudly.

I opened the envelope to be greeted by plain white sheet of paper with a scribbly handwriting of my fellow classmate.


Dear Y/n,

I have no idea how to congratulate you on your seemingly endless misery. I have spend half of my life knowing some of the dumbest people that existed, until I met you last year.

Now, I'm not sure what God has planned for me if I ever live past 20, having to take care of all of you.

Anyways, now that you have already made your choice, I won't tell you to back off.

If you're going there with an objective it would be better to get it done with. You're brave and you don't have anything to worry about. Even in the worst scenario, Severus would be there to help you out.

The Potters were also invited but they decided not to go, so I can't really help you any other way.

But just remember, you know what's best for yourself. And if anything happens, you have to make the best choice for yourself.

I hope you get whatever you want to achieve, even though I'm pretty sure it is stupid to walk in the lion's den.

Take care,


I sighed putting the letter away and laid on my bed closing my eyes for a moment.

I just had to take deep breaths,. In.. Out.. In.. Out..

Remus was right. I knew what I had to do. I just needed some sort of sign to give me a headstart.

I had to go to find out more about the connections made between the purebloods.

I had to figure out how far gone Riddle was.

The more I knew, the easier I'd be able to plan for the future years.

It is going to be fine, I'm probably just overthinking it.


I put the heels on my feet, steadying them as Martha did some final touches to my hair.

I looked in the mirror. I looked good, nothing inexplicable, just a normal makeup and seemingly trendy hairstyle from Martha's newest catalogues.

She moved back and I got up, supporting myself as I had been sitting for too long.

Turning around, Martha smiled noticing the time and quickly walked me towards the gate of the orphanage.

On the lowest steps, sat Riddle looking at his wand intently.

"Uhm uhm.." Martha's voice cut through the overwhelming silence.

"You're done. Let's go, we need to walk quite a bit." He said.

I trudged down the stairs only to be stopped again.

"Tom, a word please." Martha said and the disappointment was visible on Riddle's sour face. "I won't take much of your time. Just a minute." She continued.

Riddle muttered something under his breath before nodding and they both walked back to the room, leaving me alone at the bottom of the steps.

I sat down, streching my dress out to be more comfortable.

I could here crickets from the tall grasses and owls hooting loudly.

Not long after, Riddle joined me again telling me to follow after him.

I waved a bye to Martha and followed him deeper in the forest, having to hold my dress to see where I was stepping.

We reached a clearing and he pulled out the invitation holding it under the dull moonlight.

With a tap of his wand, the invite burst into flames and a house elf appeared, wearing a shaggy dress and holding its head down.

Without any word it got closer to us and with a snap of its finger, we stood in front of the Malfoy manor.

The elf disappeared and I took a long look at the huge building, looking similar to the muggle depiction of a horror house.

Riddle, who had started making his way in through the gardens, called out to me.

I took in a deep breath and steadied myself.

Well, here goes nothing!!


A/n: the next chapter is going to be a note regarding the story writing, so feel free to skip it.

For anyone wondering, yes, I'll be continuing this story, albeit a little lously.

Thank you sticking around for so long.


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