The Solution.

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"what do you mean?" Sirius asked and I felt his gaze on me.

"Tell me Sirius, that time when we were all studying in the library and Severus kept interrupting you to speak to me, did you feel jealous then?" I asked and he thought for a while before shaking his head.

"And then, when James was trying to force Remus to flirt with the pretty Ravenclaws near our table?"

"He was making Remus uncomfortable. James just doesn't know when to stop sometimes." He huffed and I smiled.

"But you didn't feel so bad when he forced Peter to do it?"

"Because Peter's Peter. He would have done that anyways, he just needed an extra push."

"Or, you just have a soft spot for Remus?"

He started at me bored and rolled his eyes.

"You're talking like Marlene now. She spend almost all of last Christmas trying to convince me that I had a thing for Remus." He said loudly.

"Well, at least someone else sees it too. Though I'm not sure who you're talking about." I said trying my best to fit any face with that name.

"Marlene McKinnon? Lily took her with you guys for the dress shopping, remember?"

I thought for a bit before looking back at Sirius.

"How do you know about that?"

"Remus got your letter, didn't he? He seemed worried. Don't fret, no one else knows." He reassured and I huffed out a profanity aimed towards the bookworm.

"He keeps disappointing me." I muttered and turned back to Sirius.

"So you got jealous of me and Remus and thought that you liked me."


"You don't even know me enough to like me."

"I know a lot more than you think."

"Okay? Tell me what I do when I'm bored?"

"You go to the library?"


"Study? What else do you do at a library?" He said as if I had just disrespected his entire ancestry.

"No, Mr. obvious. I go there because that's the one place I can find quiet enough to finally catch a nap." I said matter-of-factedly.

"No you don't. You're always reading. I'd have noticed if you were sleeping in the library." He argued.

"Oh really? What do I do then?"

"You lean back in your chair and like.. zone out? You don't take part in any conversation."

"And where is my book?"

"You keep it close to your face?"

"Yes, dumbo because I'm sleeping. Why else would you think I am the last one to finish my homework assignments."

"No, you're not. Peter's always the last to do it. And he does it like 5 minutes before class."

"He doesn't count. He's a rat, no offense to rats though."

"You know what?... Understandable." He mused.

"We're going off topic. Now you know you don't like me, because if you did, you would have kept more of an eye on me. So, are you willing to hear me out?"

He stared at me for a moment before shrugging.

"Sure, but I don't think I'm going to like where this is going."

"Oh c'mon. You've been keeping an eye on Remus since we got paired in muggle studies. He told me you wouldn't let him out of your sight until you got stuck in detention. There is no way you've never thought about it."

"I have not, because he is my friend. And back then, I was looking out for him. Not trying to get him to like me."

"You don't have to get him to like you. You don't even have to like him, if you don't truly do already. But, just in case you do like him, isn't it better to acknowledge it than just ignore it?" I asked genuinely and Sirius moved beside me to sit on the railing, hanging his legs off the tower.

"And what if I do? He won't like me anyways. I'm stubborn and rude and a complete arse. He'd choose a roach over me. Hell, I'd choose a roach over me." He said and I sighed.

Self deprecating much?

"It's not that Sirius. See, once you get your head around your feelings, things are going to get easier. What did that Marlene girl say?"

"She said if I ever wanted a chance with him, I should stop being a "dumb bitch" and "man up" and "stop flirting with everyone I meet"." He said mocking her.

"That's right, ain't it? For starters, why don't you try spending more time with him. Just study together, or do your pranks, or whatever you guys do. See where it takes you?" I asked glad that he had moved on from his self created problem.

"Ok, I can do that. But that does not mean you get to back out of it. You helping me till the end of it, got that?" He asked leaning back to look at me and I gave my most convincing smile.

"Yeah, come to me when you feel like you need it. Unless I'm busy, then give me a note or something."

"Yeah, yeah I won't cut into your napping time."

"Wow, I'm starting to think you really have a personality, Black." I feigned amusement.

"Ha ha, real funny."

"Alright. It's late, you should get back" I moved away from the railing and motioned for Sirius.

"I'll get back." He said waving me off, still staring at the night sky.

"Sure, don't get your ass caught by a prefect." I reminded.

"A prefect would be lucky to even see some of this ass." He winked before turning back to the view and I nodded walking away.

He was fine.


I looked at my watch. Around two o'clock.

I looked around and quickened my pace. Though I didn't hear anyone around me, I was pretty sure I could feel eyes on me.

I rushed walking past the quiet paintings in the hallways and towards the stairs leading to the dungeons.

"Stop right there. What are you doing out of bed so late after curfew?"

Well, fuck me, I guess.



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