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I had been wanting to hang around to catch a word of what was going on with Riddle and Martha, but the delicious food and the movement throughout the day had me pretty tired.

So, I decided to go back to our room and get ready for bed.

Treacle was still yet to return and I was not expecting any other owls to arrive at such duration of the day. Hence, I decided to close the window.

Done with my nightly business, I was just about to disappear under my blanket, when Riddle burst in the room looking enraged.

Startled by the sudden action, I stared at him unnerved before getting a hold of my senses.

He stared at me furiously before not-so-subtly rolling his eyes.

" L/n! I need a favor from you."


"No." I said crossing my arms and shaking my head in denial.

"What do you mean 'no'?" Riddle asked staring me down as if I were the crazy one in this scenario.

"I mean no, idiot. I am not going to any pureblood balls with you. I have got enough shit to deal with, without involving those stuck-up bitches and their superiority complex." I said sitting down on my bed.

"I don't think you understand what's going on. I said, you are coming to the Malfoy's annual ball with me. I don't remember asking for your opinion." He said still glaring at me as if provoking me to defy him.

It would have been plenty scary if he was Lord Voldemort. But the person who stood in front of me was Tom Riddle,a soon to be sixth-year at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardary.

An amateur who had yet to graduate, not the monster who killed thousands of innocents just for the sake of it.

That thought tempted me and I replied back to him.

"And I don't remember since when was it my problem. Why do you want me to go so badly anyways? I'm sure you don't enjoy my company any more than I do yours."

"Aren't you already bored of being here all day and not having anything to do? Now I'm giving you a chance to go back to our actual lives, even if for a small moment. If you are lucky, you'd be able to meet Severus and maybe even that girl that Lucius was dating, your roommate, isn't she?"

The thought of meeting my friends was tempting but I'd known better. Riddle was not here trying to help me for nothing, he wanted something in return and I was obliged to figure it out.

"Narcissa isn't expecting me. It would be a awkward surprise more than anything. And Severus would be positively mad at me if he knows i had a choice and still showed up at the ridiculous setting. I already told you, I have no plans of joining you in your crazy expedition, unless, you tell me why exactly do you want me to go with you?" I put forward my proposition and Riddle huffed out loudly.

"Martha won't allow me to attend the ball on my own, specifically due to the invitation template and now she says I can only attend if you're going with me, so we can keep an eye on each other." He says gruffly.

I tried to stifle my laughter at the thought of babysitting Tom, as Martha had proposed.

"I still don't see something for me in it." I said.

"Well, what do you want?"

"If I were to help you out, shouldn't you give me a favor, so that I could call you whenever I needed help for something?"

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