Just The Beginning!

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I stared out if the window as I made up my mind. It wasn't exactly wrong of Remus to tell someone else if he thought he was helping.

Actually it seemed totally viable, but that was not the main problem.

The problem was that he had decided to take matters in his hands when I had barely asked for advice. It was not a life- death situation, but he still broke the one rule we had agreed upon.

It was something of a hassle that made me want to hold a grudge against him but I needed some sort of control in my life.

Currently I had been riding with the waves and waiting for stuff to happen at its own pace but now, I had to work faster and be ready for anything.

This was very significant year after all, the heir of Slytherin opened the chamber of secrets and Hogwarts almost closed down.

I did not have time to worry about the consequences and needed to plan for the future beforehand.

My thoughts are gracefully interrupted by the opening of the compartment gate as Remus, finally, walked in.

"Hey!" He greeted and settled himself in front of me.

"I'm still mad at you." I replied curling up even more on my own seat.

Merlin! I forgot how much I hated confrontation.

"Ok. I'm sorry? But you have to understand, Y/n, I was trying to help you and whether you like it or not, you are my friend and I am going to look out for you." He said sternly staring at me.

"Even if it messes up my plan? I already told you Remus, if you are going to do anything that might affect me, you have to inform me before hand. Now Severus is suspicious of me and as if I was not busy enough, I have an angry friend to calm all thanks to you." I said back.

"Do you really think he would have not been mad if I hadn't told him? He would still not have liked you being there. I just informed him a little early, saved him the heartbreak."

I glared at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, sorry. I don't know how else to apologise." He said shortly after.

"It's fine. I'm not forgiving you anytime soon, but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. It's something else." I said straightening up in my seat.

"Yes?" He asked eagerly as he started my face for any worry.

"Has Sirius talked about his family since he left?" I asked and Remus pulled back again crossing his arms.

"Why do you need to know that? It doesn't matter, it's not like he's going back there?"
He said defensively.

I rolled my eyes.

"Let me frame my question better. Did Sirius ever talk about his brother to you?" I asked again.

"Yes, not much but enough. He misses him but it's already too late, Regulus is too trusting of his family." Remus replied.

"Great, now I need you to ask Sirius more about what he thinks of his brother and as soon as you get anything positive, you inform me, ok?" I said.

"And why do you want me to do that?" He asked.

"To stop him from becoming a death eater. Regulus is not a big part of the dark arts yet and I'd like to keep it that way. Once we're sure both him and Sirius are on the same page, maybe we can get them to talk. Solve some issues?" I explained.

"Oh, that's good. And your plan? How's it going?"

"Good enough. You can leave now. And I hope you know this is to be between us and no one else."

"Yeah. Take care." He said getting up.

"Goodbye Remus." I watched him close the door before turning my gaze to the window.

One down, another one to go.

If this keeps working this well, it might not take long to save at least half the people.

Then they can save the rest, a little burden off my shoulders.

I stare at the fields passing by and turn my body to get more comfortable on the seat catching myself doze off.


I was not sure how I had gotten myself here.

Just a moment ago, I had been searching for Severus to ride a carriage together and now I sat with no other than Sirius Black, waiting for the carriage to fill so we could move.

"Do you know where Severus is? Or for that matter, do you know where everyone else is?" I asked harshly.

"Yeah, they already went together. Their carriage was full so I decided to wait for you. Look at how lucky you are, getting the most handsome boy in all of Hogwarts to wait for you. People would kill to be in your place, you know." He wiggled his eyebrows, planting a stupid grin on his face.

"I would kill too, to make sure no one has to suffer the same fate again." I grumbled under my breath and he chuckled.

"C'mon L/n. You can admit that I make you at least a little bit flustered." He said and just before I could reply a group of girls walked in the carriage urging it to move.

Sirius noticed their arrival and greeted them with a wink, which caused them to start giggling and whispering  aggressively amongst themselves.

"See, I've got the game." He whispered to me and I glared ahead of myself.

"Those are third-years, Black, newly turned teenagers that have a crush on anything that looks at them long enough, including dogs, cats and guinea pigs." I scoffed.

"Well, good thing I've got the dog in me." He shrugged and I unwillingly snorted.

"Somethings funny?" He asked and I gave him a smirk.

"A dog in you?" I repeated letting his mind fill the blank.

"Oh, godric-  you know I didn't mean it like that. Merlin, you've got a crazy mind." He said shaking his head with a smile and I stiffled my own grin by looking away.

"You don't even want to know what goes on in there." I agreed and he looked at me before turning away.

The rest of the ride went quietly, well as quiet as any thing could happen in the presence of Sirius's company and we reached the castle in time.

The girls surrounded Sirius as we separated and I made my way towards the Slytherin table.

I greeted Severus who nodded at me and I noticed must of the others were not here yet, probably in other carriages.

People around us chatted and the time passed by slowly as I conversed with Louis, who excitedly recounted his holidays, not leaving any details out.

Finally the sorting started and after all the students had settled themselves, food was served to the hungry mass.

I kept an eye on everything going on as I enjoyed the food.

Maybe I could save this year from going in vain too.

Now, all that I needed was a good start.



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