Heart To Heart.

693 31 4

I pushed the food around on my plate, absentmindedly gazing along the table of hungry Slytherins.

I had very hastily told Sirius to meet me at the astronomy tower, past curfew. But I hadn't really gotten around to plan my own departure.

Soon enough, several groups of students got up, having finished dinner and started moving back to the common room.

Having had a little appetite, I too decided to get up quietly, not wanting to distract Severus, who was having a boring conversation with Avery.

"Where are you going?" The question was asked more from curiosity, than actual worry and I turned my gaze to Riddle.

It turned Severus's attention easily on me and I refrained from rolling my eyes.

"Back to the dorms? I'm tired. I thought I could sleep early." I explain more to Severus than anyone else.

Definitely not the nosy prefect, who could just not mind his own business.

"Are you alright? You don't usually get back this soon." Severus's voice was, in the contrary, flooding with worry and I gave him a tired smile.

"I'm fine. Finally got time to have more sleep. Don't worry about it. I'll be better than ever in the morning." I reassured and moved away from the table with a wave getting out of the great hall.

I could feel eyes behind my back all the way until I actually walked out of the door.

It would be hard to move around the halls with a simple plan in mind, with at least one person keeping an eye on me.

It was a good thing I had known most if not all the hidden passages Hogwarts had to offer. I smiled walking past the paintings in a hurry to reach the dorms.

It was 9 right now, I had three hours before I'd have to move back, maybe I could take a quick nap.

I rushed in the warmth of the dimly lit common room, accompanied by the faint murmur of night owls, occupying their own corners through the big area.

I intentionally planned on moving to my own dorm, but I was soon stopped by a loud shout of my own name.


The boy had grown considerably in the break, gaining more height than his most classmates, with an addition of messy hair and much darker clothes.

"Could you help us? I really don't understand what to write and we've got 10 whole inches." He pointed to his own group of third years, who were all hunched over behind the couches, like little kids opening there Christmas presents.

I sighed at their antics. It was probably something dumb that they could find easily in any of their books if they actually tried looking, but they were definitely not Ravenclaws.

I walked over to them and a few cheered, finally getting some guidance. I let myself slide to the floor next to them and grabbed an empty parchment, with just the title.


I was sure there was a whole book dedicated to mandrakes and their contribution to the medical field of wizarding world.

I rolled my eyes and glared at their pouting faces before huffing out a 'fine'.

The rest of my time flew, as the kids asked away any questions they had regarding the topic.


I felt my legs go numb by the time we were finished. It was already 11.

I had spent two hours, teaching third years what they should already have known, if only they had actually paid attention in class.

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