The necklace, the potion and the watch

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Previously :

Professor Dumbledore looked at me and said, " We need someone like you Y/n, smart, arrogant, cunning, annoying, sarcastic, a quick decision maker, and a perfect liar.

"Well that's the most....... relatable compliment someone has ever given me." I said as I smirked.

"When do I leave?"

Now :

"When do I leave?" I asked as professor McGonagall looked at me with a shocked face.

"You want to go?" she asked.

"Yes I do. I mean can it get any better. I get a chance to go back in time legally, meet young you and professor Snape, even change everything and save many lives." I said excited.

"And what if it goes wrong?" she asked.

"well, what have I got to lose." I said.

"WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOSE??  You are 15 for Merlin's sake. You have your whole life ahead of you. If anything goes wrong, you-you...  You are not going there. Albus I already told you she will not do something so dangerous. Y/n you are going to your dorm. Tomorrow your day will start like normal, other students will arrive in the evening. Forget you were ever here." she started pacing as she went on rambling about it.

"I'm not going to my dorm." I interrupted her.

"What? Y/n you can't-" she started before I interrupted her again.

"Please. You need to understand. This is more important than me or my life. If I am able to change things I can get my parents back. I can get many people back, save all those who have been traumatised, maybe even change the purebloods minds and change the reputation of Slytherin and if not just some minor changes, like help professor Snape and maybe prank Draco's father or something." I smiled mischeaviously.

"And if the task isn't going well, she can always come back. Even though I'm quite sure she won't need to come before time."  Proffesor Dumbledore said as he smiled at Minnie and she gave in.

"Alright, how am I going?" I asked excitedly.

"Well, let's see." he said as he got up and walked to a closet and picked out a box that looked a little bit smaller than the one containing Quidditch balls. I looked amazed as he put it on the table and opened it up.

It contained a necklace with quite a big pendant, a silver muggle clock and a silver sparkling potion.

"I hope you know about the time turner."

"Well not much, but books state that it can be used to go back in time."
"Yes it is. But ministry thinks it's not safe to have one. Many deatheaters have raided the ministry trying to find it to go back in time and kill Harry beforehand."
"So, why do you have one" I said looking at the necklace in the box kept on a violet silk cloth.

"Ah, kept it at a safer place than ministry. It is not a normal time turner an more advanced one. It can send you back a whole year in just one turn. You have to turn it fifty times to go back in Tom's era."

I picked up the time turner.

It was the same as in the books but with 3 large circles and a smaller hourglass

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It was the same as in the books but with 3 large circles and a smaller hourglass. I kept it back as he continued.

"This " he said pointing to the muggle watch with two buttons rather than one, "will help you to return whenever you want. If anything goes wrong just press both of them at once and you will be back here as soon as you are gone. Not a second will be passed, even if you take 10 years you will be back at the same time at my office."

"That's cool, but what will happen to my age, I mean I don't want to be 50 when I return, I'll be older than Minnie and I can't see how it can go any worse." I said cringing about seeing an 50 year old me.

"Well that is where the ageing potion would come in handy. Severus brewed it just yesterday. It will stop your ageing in this time. When you go back in time you will age like normal but as soon as you arrive here you will be fifteen again."

"Woah." I picked up the shining silver vial of ageing potion and twirled it around in my hands. "That's cool" I said.

"So ready to go, are you?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

"I'm born ready." I smirked.

"Keep a few things in mind. Don't do something that will change the future entirely. Like, trying to get Snape and Lily together. Don't get too famous. The less people know you the better. Maintain your personality and don't let him read you. And no matter what happens, don't get killed. Understood!" Minnie said as she looked at me through her glasses.

"I'll miss this." I said as I hugged her taking her by surprise. Eventually she hugged back as I held back the tears threatening to fall out.

Then I hugged Professor Dumbledore as his smile never left his face. "This isn't goodbye after all, young one." he said as he rubbed my back in reassurance. I wiped the tears as I stood up straight.

"Let's go then. Can't wait to see you both younger." I grinned as Professor Dumbledore and Minnie chuckle.
"Well take the potion. Turn it 50 times and you'll be there."

"You will arrive at beauxbatons. You would be a half blood orphan. A smart student with exceeding grades in potion and dark arts. You will live in the orphanage with Tom during holidays." Dumbledore said.

I nodded as I drank the potion. It was tasteless. Like, literally more tasteless than water.

Then I wore the time turner, took my luggage and treacle and started turning it. As I reached 49 I smiled at both the professors before turning it once again and letting the darkness swallow me.

A/n: hi guys! So the next part will be the start of our Tom riddle x reader. Also I did some changes in the a/n in starting so McGonagall will be transfiguration teacher and not a student. There will be my ocs joining in that era.

Thanks for reading.

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