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Severus was much more quiet here after his fight with Lily and seemed to cling to me. I could tell he was uncomfortable and wanted to get up and tell him that we should rather study in the common room when he suddenly gripped my robe sleeve.

I looked at him and he was looking at the table next to ours with a stoic face. I turned to look at the people sitting there and backed down the urge to roll my eyes. There sat the famous Hogwarts pranksters-

The marauders.


It had been a few weeks since the incident near the lake. Me and Severus spent a lot of our time together studying for the exams which were starting in less than a month.

The marauders seemed to have been ignoring me and only ever greeted me when I was not with Severus.

Even Remus had stopped talking to me much, spending time with Lily and accompanying her, although I had already warned him about this.

Lily would occasionally talk to me. She made sure to keep Severus out of the conversation but always seemed happy to have talked every once in a while.

I had been trying to find a way for Severus to apologize to Lily without getting interrupted by anyone. I think they might need some more time before they are ready to talk but they will both be busy soon because of exams and if they don't get together before summer holidays it will all go to vain.

So, I looked at Severus, as we ate our breakfast at the great hall.

"Are you ready?" I asked and he looked up from his plate and sighed.

"I don't know. Do we have to do this today?" he said and I nodded.

"I don't want either of you stressing more than necessary now at the time of exams, and I think Lily's ready. You did say she smiled at you during potions." I tried to assure him.

"Well, the smile didn't ensure she would just forgive me so easily. Maybe she was just trying to be friendly. We are potions partners and need to be civil if we want to work together." he said.

I shook my head at him.

"Severus, you would not get much chance to talk to her now that the year is about to end. You know that right?" I justified.

"Yeah, but I don't even know what to say. How am I supposed to start? How am I even supposed to get close to her? She seems pretty occupied." Severus huffed and I looked at the gryffindor table just in time to see her laughing along with some joke one of them made.

"Well, if I get that sorted, will you talk to her?" I asked standing up and he rushed his food in his mouth before picking up his own things.

"What do you mean? Not right now. What am I even going to say?" he said holding my arm to stop me from walking further and I turned around.

"This is for the good of both of you. I believe in you. Just speak what you think from your heart. It's either she accepts you for who you are or leaves you. Doesn't matter what Lily chooses to do, I'll still be here for you, ok?" I said giving him a small smile as I turned back again.

"I know." I heard him whisper and continued smiling walking over to the gryffindor table.

Severus followed me closely and stopped after a bit as I greeted the lions.

"Hey guys!" I said shooing James away so I could sit next to Lily.

"Hello." Lily said back as she looked back down at her plate while the others just glared at Severus.

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