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After opening my presents and keeping them in their organised places, I used my wand to throw all the wrappers in the dustbin before sorting the gifts out and laying back down on my bed.

I must have done something really nice to deserve such good people. Well, not all of them, but you get the point.

Everything was going just fine.


Nothing was fine. As soon as the holidays were over the teachers bombarded us students with loads of homework. The marauders had gotten back to barely talking with me, too busy with there own pranks and me, Lily and Severus seemed to have gotten closer together.

But it didn't last long. One day my peaceful break in the library while doing my charms homework was interrupted by two pairs of footsteps.

I looked up from my parchment, groaning internally, already knowing I would rather not be a part of any more trouble. I was quite surprised to see a second year house mate and his much shy hufflepuff friend as he gave me a toothy grin.

"Hello, miss Y/n." he said and I gave him a smile and a nod of acknowledgement. I had known this kid for a while now. Being a part of the slug club he used to hang around me and Severus a lot and I could say he was growing on me.

"Hello, Louis." I said and he looked down at my work before speaking again.

"Sorry to interrupt you, but I thought you ought to know. I heard some seventh years talking about a big fight with Mister Severus. Of course, I tried to get a look myself to see if it was true or not but the crowd was very hostile." he said and my eyes widened.

Fuck! It was not supposed to happen this early. I thought I had time. I gave him a reassuring smile when he tensed on my silence.

"Thank you for informing me, Louis. Now I will be going to make sure everything is alright. You should also get back to studying, yeah?" I said already finished organising my things so I can pick them up later.

"Ok, I'll see you later, miss Y/n." he said and I nodded getting up and walking out of the quiet library.

Wandering through the halls as I made my way over to the dungeons where I supposed Severus was. I had already checked the courtyards and there was no one there except some nosy ravenclaws who had nothing better to do than talk about the incident.

I had forgotten about this situation, maybe it was because I was stressed on not getting any more progress with my current mission, or because I assumed if they had gotten so close maybe things would change without me interfering.

But quite unsurprisingly it did not work. As if anything could just go according to my plan.

Soon I turned around the corner to the hallway where the hidden way to the Slytherin common room stayed. Hearing whispers I stopped walking and slowly backed round the corner before peeking around to get a look at the people that seemed to be arguing.

I was quite surprised when I saw three girls whom I had seen quite a lot of times at the gryffindor table, who seemed to be surrounding and threatening Severus.

I stayed back not wanting to intrude in their conversation, when I noticed something strange. Even though they seemed to be yelling at Severus, one of them even trying to hit him getting stopped by the other two, he didn't seem like he was actually listening to any word that came out of their mouth. He had his hands clenched in fists as he glared at the floor his body shaking lightly.

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