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I finished my breakfast surprisingly quick and rushed back to my room to pack up my Gringotts key and my wand in the sling bag that I held.

Today was Friday.

Tomorrow was the ball.

And just like the perfectly organised person I was, I had yet to even look at any catalogues or nearby shops.

It wasn't my fault per se. I had started feeling homesick and talking to almost anyone made me feel like passing out.

Out of courtesy, Riddle had helped bring me food in the room. This was honestly a surprise, but I guess he was happy I wasn't going around rambling to strangers.

He had been 'oh so paranoid' that I was going to let everyone know that we attended a magic school.

My current disability kept him content but today I had decided to finally get a move on getting that dress.

I was able to owl Lily on the topic and she was excited to help me out, calling me to meet up with her at diagon alley.

Convincing Martha had been a piece of cake by the fake letter I had made signed by Lily's parents, that insured that we will be supervised all the time and would stay under their guidance.

And now the only thing left was to get to diagon alley.

After checking my belongings once more to please my brain, I walked out of the building, waving to some of the recognised faces.

It was gonna be a hell of a day.


After walking a little off the town main road, I had called the knight bus, and was now safely, albeit dizzy, at the diagon alley.

I decided to get sufficient money out of Gringotts while waiting for Lily to arrive.

It was a few long minutes later when I heard her laugh and looked over only to turn back in surprise.

Lily was here, sure, but she was not alone. Along with her stood three other girls, the ones that I remembered distinctly, by their attitude towards Severus during their fight.

The tallest of the three, a darker toned, masculine girl with heels and leather jacket was holding onto the slim blonde, who was trying her best not to laugh. On the other side of Lily stood a shorter girl with a curvier build and the laugh that could instantly make anyone melt.

Lily walked in front of them, chuckling at their antics while her eyes scanned the whole place, finally noticing me.

The group joked over to me and at once the laughter ended when Lily pulled me in a hug.

"I missed you!" She said and I awkwardly patted her back, suddenly more self aware due the presence of the unrecognised company.

Lily moved to the side pointing at the people.

"This is Mary, that's Marlene and her name is Dorcas. Guys, this is Y/n." She introduced and I gave a slight wave, noticing the discomfort in their behaviour.

I was not sure whether asking Lily was the best idea now, maybe Remus would have been a better choice.

Yes, he wouldn't know much about dresses, but at least he wouldn't have forced me to socialize with arrogant gryffindors.

Oh, he's already done that!!

Well, I pulled myself out of my train of thoughts and smiled politely at the strangers, giving Lily a nudge.

"Should we start?"


It had been hours looking through various stores and alleys, trying to find the perfect dress.

Halfway through, we had taken a detour to satisfy our growing hunger and now we sat in an old, rickety, yet somehow very famous shop in the diagon alley.

Lily seemed to be enjoying her time exploring every nook and cranny of the stores, while her other companions spent their time, peacefully glaring at me.

After they had learned that I was invited to the Malfoy annual ball and associated myself with various purebloods, they were not so happy to be accompanying me to this never-ending search.

I skimmed through the store, looking through all the dresses hovering in mid air, which would fly down to do a little twirl every once in a while.

"What do you think about this?" Lily asked holding out a pretty, maroon, velvet, flare dress.

"It's red?" I replied, not sure what she wanted to hear from me.

"Yeah, and pretty. You can hold yourself perfectly and it still goes with the occasion." She replied sure of herself.

"Well, I'm not sure a lot of people there would appreciate me appearing in gryffindor colours, however pretty the dress is." I replied shortly and Lily shrugged leaving the dress to float back to its position.

The other three stood behind us making loud conversations about Merlin-knows-what.

As I paced around the store, a sly dress moved in the corner of my eye catching my attention.

Before I could even turn, the said dress floated in front of my face doing a little spin and then bobbing up and down in the air.

It was a flowy, forest green dress, with translucent, dark green, angel sleeves.

The dress went down to one's ankles and cinched around the waist and shoulders. A long cape flew from the pins where it was attached to the shoulders and gave it a more mysterious and tempting look.

The lady of the store walked over to us, finally free from other costumers and smiled at the dress, proud of her work.

"That one's a piece of art. Resembles power and submission all in one. Like a queen who would kill for her love, and if he betrays her, oh she would do so much worse." She said and the dress did another twirl before resting in her hands.

"Go on, give it a try!" She insisted and I complied, completely enamored by the bliss that the dress seemed to spread.

When I walked out of the changing room, looking at the mirror, the dress rested snugly against my body and the cape flew to adjust itself correctly.

"Not gonna lie, you look real badass right now." Lily's blonde friend said and I nodded before turning to the lady only to see them gasping at me.

"It suits your complexion perfectly. I can't believe it, you look so graceful right now." She gushed walking over to fix the dress with little wand movements and I shook my head.

"I don't think I can buy this. I mean, I only need a dress for one ball, and there would be so many people, it would be hard to walk around without getting stepped on." I said and the lady scoffed.

"Nonsense, you are not talking to an amateur. I've not spent my whole life making dresses to get criticised for such a thing." She stepped on the cloak thingy and it swiftly moved from under her feet to rest a little sideways. "Its just an illusion, and you never know when just one ball can be that one ball. If you were to meet the love of your life at such a place, you need to look your best."

I looked in the mirror once again and Lily patted my shoulder, now standing next to me, "Go on. You look fabulous. It's a once in a lifetime thing. You're attending your first and most probably last ball."

I sighed and looked at the time ,7:30 p.m.. I had to get back soon.

Tomorrow was the ball.

I really didn't have much of a choice, did I?

Well, I could only blame myself for this now. Just hopefully, I wouldn't stand out at the ball.

And even if I did, at least I'd know it's in a good way.

Or as Sirius would put it,
Go big or go home!!



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