A hogsmeade date?!

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"well, tomorrow at the same place?"

"yeah." he said.

"and don't forget about your part of the essay." I said and he just looked at me confused as we hadn't done anything today.

"the wolfsbane." I whispered just for him to hear and he nodded again waving at me as I left the library to go to the dorms to keep my books back.

Maybe, this year won't be so bad after all.


I looked tiredly at the food in my plate. It had been some time since me and Remus talked. I was able to get the ingredients and he provided me with aconite. My whole nights went by making the potion as I couldn't risk going to room of requirements at daytime.

Severus looked at me weirdly as I almost fell on my plate due to the lack of sleep.

"Are you alright?" he asked and I just gave him a tired smile.

"Was up late doing charms." He nodded and got up after quickly finishing his food.

"where are you off to?" I asked and he smiled at me, "Professor Slughorn wanted to talk to me about something before classes."

I nodded and bid him goodbye, as I continued to slowly eat my food.

By the time I was done the great hall was quite empty. I looked over at the gryffindor table to see that the marauders and Lily were still sitting and talking to their friends.

Now that Severus was already gone, I decided to walk with Lily to potions.

As I approached the gryffindor table, I heard James say some cheesy pick up line and asking Lily for a date at hogsmeade. She just rolled her eyes and ignored him resulting in Sirius and Peter bursting out in laughter, while Remus just smiled still focused on his book.

I settled down next to Lily giving her a small smile and a nod. She smiled at me and went back to eating and talking to her friends. I could feel eyes on me for sitting on the gryffindor table but I didn't mind.

"come on, Lily. Give me one chance. I swear I'll make it worth it." James tried again and Lily responded with a roll of her eyes.

"I said no Potter. Are you deaf now?" she said glaring at him and I felt a smile spread across my face.

I knew she was saying no as she had already agreed to go with Severus and I. She just didn't want to tell him as he would probably go bully Severus about it.

So, I decided to make it easier for all of us.

"Hey Lils," I said clearing my throat softly to get her attention. "I was wondering if you would like to make me the happiest person in the world by accompanying me on a date to hogsmeade this weekend."

I tried to maintain eye contact while keeping a serious face as I saw her eyes widened and a faint blush spread on her face.

"Like a date?" her voice came out high pitched and I just tilted my head with a small smile.

"whatever you'd like to think love." The nickname worked wonders as her face was almost as red as her hair and her hand froze with the fork she was holding.

She squeaked out a yes before quickly finishing up her food.

"I'm done. Let's go." She said getting up not waiting for me as she started walking out of the great hall.

I gave James a smug smile before following behind Lily who had slowed down for me and we continued our walk to potions.

"you did not mean it, right?" Lily asked me still not making eye contact, her eyes focused on her shoes and I smiled.

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