Meeting Young Black.

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The crippling silence accompanied the time I spent with Regulus Black and for once, I missed the overly talkative Sirius.

After my drink was finished, I took a seat at one of the long couches in the hall and soon enough got bored of counting the number of knight statues.

The guests piling in the room made it feel like a mall and the scented candles soon overwhelmed all my senses.

"Do you mind if we take a stroll in the garden? I think I could really use some fresh air." I asked Black who nodded getting up and making way for me towards the garden.

I was thankful for it because I was sure I would have gotten lost sooner or later if I were to be left on my own.

In the gardens, we moved away from the main entrance to a more closed place promptly near a fountain that seemed to be glittering as the carps swam in the constantly moving water.

The wooden bench near the carefully shaped bushes were painted a tinge of red, giving them more rusty appearance.

We took a seat at the bench enjoying the silence, but as it is known, nothing good can last forever.

"How are your studies going?" I asked and he replied politely.

"I'm doing fine in all my classes."

"Don't mind me asking, but I have not really seen you in the DA club. Why are you not in yet?" I said and Regulus turned his head away in shame.

I did not assume any answer and when he looked back, I was still staring patiently at the carps.

I heard a tired sigh before he replied.

"I.. it's my brother. You might have heard of him. He betrayed our family and went in to live with the blood traitors. They don't want me to make the same mistake as him so they want to make sure I'm trustworthy before letting me join in." He said.

"Oh yes, Sirius right? Your brother?"

"Um yeah, do you know him?"

"Not really, but we happen to have common friends."I answered.

Regulus gave her a baffled look before looking away as if deep in thought.

"How do you like it here, Regulus?" I interrupted his thoughts and he seemed to stumbled over his own mind to reproach my words.

"What?" Regulus asked suddenly alarmed and I gave him a smile.

"Well, now that Sirius has left here, he looks much more content with his life so I was wondering if you're family's treating you any better." I said with a straight face.

His eyes hardened immediately and he scoffed.

"I wouldn't believe any rumors that oaf has been spreading. Our parents have been nothing but nice and he can't get that around his head. He's been problematic and stubborn. Should've expected to get kicked out." He mutters and I suppress a sad smile.

"It's good to know at least you are living a better life. Did you talk to him anyways, after him moving out and everything?"

"No!! Why would I ever talk to someone like him?"

The answer was rushed, like he had been nervous to say something wrong.

"Cool, would you like to though?" I asked and if looks could kill, I would be six feet under by now.

"I'm sorry, but why are you asking me such questions? You don't see me trying to pry into your life. It's rude and completely unnecessary of you to ask me any questions about my personal life or relations." He finished on a firm note.

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