Chapter 68 - Man's Tithings

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Scrunching leaves on a sidewalk is how I've decided my Sunday starts. It's a fairly dry but nippy day, the sort of weather where I reach for a scarf not too wooly, not too thin. It's a quiet, picturesque type of morning in the park. Not many people are around to view the glistening of the golden leaves as the sun breaks through the gaps on the branches. I can hear the robins gently nestling on the trees, probably tweeting to one another about the humans passing by. There's nothing that could possibly spoil this morning...

E: [walks over piece of plastic and stops to look down] Oh, you're FECKING KIDDING ME HERE!!

M: [confused] What's the matter?

E: Litter, it's always fecking litter!

M: Alright Great Uncle Bulgaria, what are you gonna do about it?

E: Sentence a gagging order against those who litter?

M: That's a little bit extreme, [bends down to pick up] for now we can just put it in the bin. [puts rubbish into bin] Come on. [sanitises hands]

E: [thinking]

M: What's going on in that head of yours?

E: We have to do something.

M: [sighs] Like what?

E: I dunno, clean this park up.

M: Yeah, you do that.

E: [displeased] Carelessness and ignorance thrives. [sighs] There's only so many fines that can be given out... [walks on]


{Graham's POV}

G: [slowly sits up] Jesus... [gently shakes Stefan] Good morning baby.

S: [wakes up] Good morning. What time is it?

G: Just after ten, darling.

S: I'm still exhausted after our Friday night. Why did we go to that cafe?

G: We needed to have a good time, it's been a while since we did.

S: You're right, you're right. [sits up]

G: [looks at phone] I'll ask someone to make us some tea. Do you want anything?

S: I'm fine for now. I just need to get today over and done with so I can be better for tomorrow.

G: [sighs] I'm supposed to be back in work tomorrow. I don't wanna go...

S: You didn't want to take a break, now you don't want to go back?

G: Yes.

S: I think I know what you want.

G: And what would that be?

S: [kisses]

G: [giggles] Oh you...

S: Is there anything you wanna do today?

G: Lying in bed and watch TV. I need a day to recharge.

S: Could we do that downstairs? I have a pile of marking to be doing.

G: Totally.

S: No need to rush ourselves, we can lie around for a while.

G: Are you staying for dinner?

S: Sure, I will. Graham, can I ask you something?

G: Go ahead.

S: This is a bit awkward, but... my landlord is selling the house I'm in and there's nowhere else in the area I can find that I can afford...

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