Chapter 17 - Can Anybody Find Me?

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What was that noise? It sounded like a lock of some sort... what time is it?! That must be my dad. He's usually up early to do work and whatnot.

G: [opens attic door] Good morning Evin, just what exactly are you doing?

E: Taxes. [continues writing on iPad]

G: Evin, darling, were you up all night doing college work?

E: Perhaps.

G: I think it's time for you to go to bed,

E: You can think all you want, Graham, it's a wonderful thing.

G: Hija, it's time for bed.

E: [typing] It's time for your coffee because you get angsty.

G: Excuse me?! Evin James Carmín, I will not tolerate you speaking back to me.

E: And what about it?

G:[sighs] Evin, darling, you need to go to seep. I'm not going to let you talk back to me. Go to bed now.

E: [sighs and walks to bedroom]

M: [wakes up] Evin? What's the matter baby?

E: My dad won't let me finish my college work. [sits on bed]

M: Maybe you should get some rest first. [moves duvet] Come on.

E: Okay Mayacakes. [climbs into bed and wraps self around Maya]

M: Do you promise to be good?

E: I do. [kisses]

M: Let's get some rest. [puts eye mask on Evin]

E: Goodnight baby. [closes eyes to sleep]


{Maya's POV}

M: [walks downstairs]

G: Good morning Maya!

M: Good morning Graham. What's on the agenda today?

G: Evin snapped at me.

M: What do you mean?

G: I found Evin in the attic whenever I woke up, and when I told them to go to bed they started talking back to me and just not being very... nice.

M: They weren't too pleased when they came to bed.

G: I'd say it's best we leave them be in the future.

M: We could do without being attacked by Evin again. I think the root of the problem may be because they're overwhelmed.

G: Are you sure?

M: Yes. I think their room, well our room should be transformed into... I don't know, something for sensory relief.

G: Like what?

M: Evin likes soft stuff, right?

G: Yeah...

M: What if we got a bunch of blankets, beanbags, whatever, and turn the bedroom into a sanctuary?

G: Should we talk to Evin about it?

M: I wanted it to be a surprise, but they're far too unpredictable to give a surprise.

G: We could slowly introduce the changes and find out what Evin likes.

M: I think we're going somewhere with this.

G: Do you want to look online for ideas?

M: Sure!


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