Chapter 80 - Got To Get You Into My Life

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TW: Discussion of abuse throughout

The fateful day has arrived. Maya and I have been getting ready for the last hour, during which she has been reassuring me that it'll be okay. I can't help but to worry, it's only natural. 17 years of question and one day of answers, that's the best way to describe today. What we know isn't fully answered, so we need to find out more. I've mentally prepared a list of questions to ask my mother. Time will only tell if she can give us sufficient answers.

M: [brushing Evin's hair] Are you feeling good?

E: [relaxing] Yeah.

M: They're arriving in a short while, we should go downstairs.

E: [looks at] Is this really happening?

M: Yes darling. [kisses] Do you want to go downstairs now?

E: Sure. [opens door and walks to living room]

M: [follows]

E: Hola papá. [sits on sofa]

G: Hello darling. [drinks coffee] How are you feeling?

E: Fine, nervous I suppose. What time are they due?

G: [checks watch] Any moment now. [opens and takes mints from packet]

V: [walks into living room] They're pulling in now.

E: [stands up] Well, we best be greeting them, right?

Aa: Will we get the kettle boiling?

E: Not yet abuela, we'll offer them a cup first and then put the kettle on.

[everyone standing at door]

[doorbell rings]

E: [whispers] Who's opening it?

V: I think you should Evin.

E: Okay. [slowly walks to door and opens] Hey!

Oh my fucking god, I'm in the same room as my mother.

Ma: Evin... [hugs]

E: Hi ma.

Ma: [walks over] And Val. [hugs]

V: Long time no see.

Val you do make me giggle.

Ma: And of course, Graham.

G: It's lovely to see you again. [hugs]

E: Hey Vivienne! [hugs]

Vi: [in Italian] Our day has finally arrived.

E: Your Italian's amazing! Hi Eden.

Eden: Hi Evin.

I do have to wonder what exactly Eden was told. She knows who we are, that's good, but does she understand the full story behind the estrangement? That sounds like a novel. Behind the Estrangement: From Angola to Zanzibar. Maybe not Zanzibar, but A to Z sounds good. Anyway, Eden seems to be excited to be here. I'm excited that she's here.

Ao: Would anyone like a cuppa?

Ed: What's a cuppa?

E: Cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate... insert other hot drink here.

Ed: Oh. Could I get a hot chocolate?

Ao: Anyone else?

[mumble of people asking for drinks]

Ao: Coming up! [goes into kitchen]

[rest move to sofa]

G: How was the flight?

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