Love and Lust

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Jason's POV

I watch as Nick giggles at the games around us, the bright lights of the city fair twinkling in his sweet hazel eyes and I feel my heart melt as I watch the pure joy that he can't seem to shake from his features.

    His small hand fits perfectly in mine, and I can't help the doctor smile plastered against my lips at the knowledge that my Nick is safe and sound, i. my hold as he always was meant to be.

   When I picked him up from his house, I took us to right outside the city where the coliseum is so that we could spend a few hours at the yearly fair Nick always begged me to take him to. As soon as he realized what we were doing here, his face lit up and his hand immediately went to mine, and I've held it all the way to the car to now as we pass walk through the glowing parking lot, cotton candy in my Mates other hand. 

   'From now on, he will never know the shame and pain that he endured again.'  Ryan decrees and I nod to him on the promise, vowing to keep it with him.

   Nicky peaks over at me, catching me admiring his dirty blonde hair that waves in the chilly air, his pale cheeks a rosy red thanks to the slap of the wind.

   "What?" He asks me shyly, his cheeks deepening in color as he looks away, and I let my free hand come out to raise his chin so I can have a good look at those happy, shining eyes again, filling my soul with the repeated words of his safely and joy.

    "Nothing, runt. Just admiring what's mine." I tell him and watch in satisfaction as his embarrassment rises, his gaze stuck to me with my finger pressed against his chin. I use the advantage to step forward and press my lips against his forehead, breathing in his dizzying scent, the rush it gives me going straight down to my cock, Ryan trying to push a growl from my chest in need, but I swallow it with a strained smile, stepping away from my sweet soft runt. "Come on." I tell him, ignoring the erection pressing against my thigh in favor of making sure my Runt has a good time.

    In less than an hour though, I find Nick rubbing himself against me while waiting in line for the next ride, his plump ass grazing softly against my now aching erection, until I can't hold back the growl any longer, the sound dripping in possession and arousal.

     My runt leans back against my further and looks at me coyly over his shoulder, his cheeks burning brighter than I have ever seen them before, his eyes begging me to take him and make him mine finally.

   And before I can talk myself out of it and convince Ryan that Nicky isn't ready, he turns around to face me, his small hands going to rest against my chest, no doubt feeling the intense pounding, lighting shooting down my spine and straight to my cock as I watch my runt with hungry eyes. "Jace... we want you... and we want to be yours. Forever. I love you." He tells me, and right in front of my eyes I watch as my world shatters a third time since that fateful night, and it builds itself back up around Nicky's heart, steadfast and strong as it vows to uphold the promise Ryan and I made hours before. "Take me away from here?" He asks me softly, as if I could ever reject him.

    To my surprise, I find a tear streaming down my face as I reach out with my own hands and wrap them around his waist, drawing him tighter to my chest, ignoring the annoyed grumbles of those around me as they pass us in line, but they're no where on my radar right now.

"Always." I answer him before I wrap him under my shoulder, my arm around him tingling with the whispered fires of arousal and love.


Love for a boy who I thought was my brother all these years, but turned out to be the missing piece in the puzzle that I always needed, keeping me sane and safe until the day came that would show us history. I don't know if the moon Goddess knew that we would need each other before we reached sixteen or if it was all just a big ball of chance, but even as I hold a giggling red face runt against my side as I get us the hell away from here, I still can't find it in me to regret those year where we grew up together.

Somehow, it feels like those years are just as important as those ahead of us.

"I love you too." I tell him honestly, no longer able to keep the words in, and we both know, that those words go beyond brotherhood or even soulmates at this point. We are apart of each other in every sense of the word, and I love every part of how Nick has been brought and kept in my life.

He's my runt. Nothing else needs a label.

When we finally reach the car, I waste no time in starting it up and having us on our way to the small house that Clary and I have been staying in It only takes us fifteen minutes to get there, and I'm grateful that Clarissa went out with her friends, leaving the house empty so that I can make Nick scream as loud as I want.

By the time we pull into the driveway, the car is thick with need and emotions, the heaviness settling on my shoulders making me pant im want.

I throw open the door as soon as the car gets shut off, my runt scrabbling behind me as I make my way to the front door, unlocking it before it's pushed open. Not letting myself stop, I rush towards my room in the back, knowing Nicky would die in embarrassment if Clary walked in on us in the living room, walking towards the middle of the room to face the bed as I wait for Nick to catch up.

When he finally does, I can feel Ryan right below the surface, small growls dripping like a faucet out of my chest as I stare on in hunger at my runt.

"Close the door." I tell him and he does before coming to stand before me, cheeks red and his wet plump lips caught between his teeth making my cock jerk in response. "Don't move." I tell him and watch as he nods wide eyed, and smirk as he starts to try to follow my body as I take a few steps back.

Once he's still, my hands find the bottom of my shirt before I slowly pull it over my head, my stomach flexing as I toss it to the floor, my eyes trained on Nick in a heated, hungry gaze.

When he whimpers it's all I can do not to pounce and throw him on the bed, but I stay still, and start the process of proving my love to the runt who's always had it.

Guys I hate to tell you this, buuuuut this book barely has 10 chapters left if that. Can you believe it's coming to an end??



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