Pasts and Secrets

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Shannon's POV

The smoke tries to push itself into my lungs as I follow my Mate, Logan through the fire.

I shouldn't be here.

I know I should be resting, but I rested for three days after I found out my soon to be third child wasn't going to come after all.

My babies, Clarissa and Jason are being taken care of by the pack right now as Logan and I mourn. But sitting in that room where all the new baby stuff was, looking around and knowing that my baby didn't make it past three months killed me. It's killing me. I can't eat, can't sleep, and it's killing Logan to see me this way.

'We lost our pup, Shan. We need to rest.' Beretta tried to tell me, but I ignore her and keep going forward.

Logan and I have been apart of the Winter Moon pack since we were pups and born here, and have been Warriors together since we turned sixteen after we found each other.

Needing to get out of the house, we took the call tonight that called out for anyone close to Snow Hill. A house was on fire and they needed help getting the family out of the house and stopping the flames from spreading.

Now, Logan and I struggle through the smoke as we look for the baby, the last missing piece of the family that no one has been able to find or save yet.

The air is getting thick, and I find my legs weakening, but just as I go to call Logan back, I hear it. The previous sound of a baby crying in the distance, just a few doors away. With renewed vigor, I push past Logan and make my way to the room, holding my breath as I shove my foot forward and get into the room, Logan following before shutting the door, not letting any flame in since the room is mostly unscathed.

I look around the room and finally find a crib in the corner.

The two of us walk over, and looking down, we find a small baby. Tiny in every meaning of the word, pale cheeks red as he cries, though his cries aren't loud, but troubled and scared.

"Poor little omega." I say, reaching down softly to brush against his dark hair, the softness of it making me melt.

"We should get him to his family." Logan says, going to pick him up, but I bite my lip and stop him, grabbing the baby boy myself and holding him against my chest. His quiet tears immediately settle down and tears come into my eyes.

"Logan, it's the Goddess. She's giving me another chance." I tell him, not wanting to have to go home to that empty blue room and my little two year old son that knows there's supposed to be another baby coming. My little girl who's giggles always got louder when she pressed her tiny hands on my growing belly.

"Shannon.... that's not our baby. Our Nicolas is gone, honey. We can't get him back." He tells me but I shake my head.

"No. We can though. He's here. He's right here. Our Nicky." I beg him with my eyes, even though they fill with tears as I think about having to let this small baby go into the arms of another family that wine appreciate him like I will.

"We live two streets away. They'll know." He tells me and I shake my head.

"We can move. We can move out of the pack. Please. Let me get him home. Tell them we couldn't find him. Please Logan don't make me give him away. Don't make me give Nick away." I sob as I hold the baby closer to me and he begins to sniffle as well.

Logan walks towards me and I start crying harder, knowing he's going to make me give the baby up, but instead I feel warm lips press against my forehead softly.

"Okay, Shannon. It's okay." He says and I breathe a sigh of relief as he steps back and points to the window. "Jump down from the balcony outside and go home and start packing. I'll tell them." He says and I thank him a million times as he leave the room, the roar of the fire strain her this time as he leaves, heat boating into the nursery as the fire begins to spread inside, raging on to burn and devour the house.

I grab the small baby and lay him down softly, the smoke doing it's job to knock him out, and I hurry before we actually become victims of the flame.

I tuck in both my shirt and jacket before I pick up the baby- before I pick up Nick and set him inside my shirt, my jacket giving him extra support as he rests against my chest.

Holding his bottom securely, I walk towards the window and pull it open, the large gust of wind making me suck down the fresh air greedily as it feeds the flame behind me. I get myself in the window, and without a second glance, I jump down on to the balcony below me before I jump
to the ground on the bottom.

I hold the baby tight and when I land, he doesn't jostle or wake up, though his breath fans across my chest as I say a silent thanks for the Moon as I run away in the forest.

With little baby Nicolas sleeping away inside of my shirt, shielding him from the chilling air.

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