Rubbing and Pills

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Jason's POV

    My grip on Nick is tight and resilient, knowing that if I let his hips go, I would find myself doing something that I promised I wouldn't.

    I do my best to keep a clear head, Ryan on a leash in my mind as he tries to drive me to take  Nick from behind and Mark him all over his skin until he can't do anything but bare his neck only to me and submit.

     Instead I keep my gaze on his soft features, his pink plump lips and unable to help myself, I lower my body softly so that he can feel me against him, but not crush him, and place my lips against his, licking them softly before I kiss him. His moan is breathless and the way his body arches into my hands and body is silent but it speaks volumes about what he wants. About why he needs from me.

     I peck his lips, once, twice until I press my lips against his with only a feather touch and begin softly moving my lips, breathing in his soft smell of Mangos and Sunflowers. Being around him is intoxicating and when his lips start moving shaky mine I quickly realize the taste of him is too.

   My hands on his hip tighten just a little bit more as his small tongue comes out to lick my top lip and I growl into the kiss, loving the way he shivers below me in response. As we kiss softly, I softly begin moving my body.

    My hips raise to rock softly against his, his dick rubbing against my own and the both of us moan at the contact, my eyes rolling as I close them and get lost in the feel of my Mate properly in my arms. His own come up and wrap themselves timidly around my neck and I let myself bring my body down closer to his making our cocks rub against one another more, a whine of prayer coming from Nicks mouth and I swallow it in a kiss.

     I nibble on the same lip he can't seem to keep out of his moan, and all the sounds coming from him are breathy and needy and I keep my assault on him, wanting to hear them all.

     'Fuck him. Breed him.' Ryan tries to convince me but I ignore him, letting myself get lost in the grinding of our bodies together, the sounds of us bouncing off of the walls and coming right back to my ears making me drunk off of the pleasures in the room.

     Nicks body begin to respond to mine, softly rubbing against mine, his torso Scenting my tense stomach and chest while his hips hesitantly grind his hard dick against mine.

     I groan deep in my throat and his back arches into me and I let him, allowing him to help me please his body and he seems to be going wild by the feeling we're creating between us, his breathing breathy and soft as he tries to catch his breath between moans.

    His arms around my neck tighten and I remove the kiss form his lips to allow him to breath better even if the thought of him relying solely on me to breath as well as take care of him is addicting.

     I place my nose in his neck, letting my teeth scrape against his skin there softly, teasing the both of us with something that we can't yet have, the pleasure is causing making me lighthearted as my cock twitches in my pants, aching to be buried in our tiny Mate.

     I feel my balls begin to tighten just as Nick's nails find my bare back and hold on, digging into my skin and the feeling as my own back arching into his touch, the pain mixing with all of the pleasure making my own lip get caught by my teeth in an attempt to make sure I don't Mark him. Not yet.

    "Jace. I feel weird." Nick tells me between moans and I know that he's going to cum at any second and I continue to stroke his clothed dick with my own our moans gaining speed and volume as we both near the cliff and when Nick screams out his release and his nails dig into my back, it doesn't take long at all before my cum spills into my pants and my cock jerks against his as I cum, my growl deep in my throat as I do.

    Both of us end up breathing hard.

    "You okay?" I ask Nick and he nods, though his face is burning red and he refuses to meet my eyes and I let him before reaching up further on the bed and picking up the pill bottle I threw there earlier.

       I go to get up from laying on Nick but he tries to hold on making me lower myself and plant a soft kiss against his head.

     "Come in Runt. Take your pill so we can wash up and go eat." I tell him and he whines but he lets me go so I can help the two of us into a sitting position. I open the pill bottle and shake out two into my palm before I had one to Nick and take one myself, popping it into my mouth before I swallow it.

    "Is it nasty?" Nick asks me and I chuckle to myself before I shake my head.

    "It tastes like nothing." I tell him and though he seems skeptical he still places it in his mouth and swallows. "Come on. You shower first, I'll put our stuff away."

     "Okay." He answers, his face still red and I know he's shy from what we just did. So I leave him alone as he grabs a change of clothes and his book bag before making his way to the bathroom.

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