Annoyance and Teasing

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Jason's POV

       "Jason! Get out of bed!" I hear from down the hall and I groan as I turn in to my back and cover my pillow with my head. I know it's a vain attempt though when I hear her begin to make her way down the hallway and towards my room.

       My door flies open and my covers are removed from my body as a half annoyed, half amused face looks down at me.

       "Get out of bed, now. You have to take your siblings to school. And I better not get a call about you skipping again." Mom says and I flop over on to my back and my arm stretches to reach behind my head.

         "I don't think you got my memo last night." I tells her and Ryan snickers at our mothers expression, my wolf always one to root along with giving our mother a heart attack.

         "And what memo was that?" She asks placing her hand on her hips and I shrug before yawning again.

         "I quit life. I'll just sleep for the rest of it." I tell her with a sleepy grin and she hits my leg with her hand. She gives me a playful glare before making her way back to the door.

         "Be downstairs before eight, Jason." She warns me and I nod my head sleepily before I yawn and throw one of my legs over the edge of the bed. Way too much movement before ten o'clock. But I also know that I have only thirty seconds to get to the bathroom.

    I force myself from my bed and grab the towel that's draped across my desk chair and walk from my room to the bathroom at the end of the hall.

      I hear my mom waking my sister up, but of course, it would be Nick, my baby brother, that exits his room and tried to make his way to the bathroom before I do. But of course he doesn't make it far, his fingers only gracing the door knob, before I'm pulling him back by the collar of his shirt and pulling him behind me.

       "Jace!" He whines in annoyance and I laugh at him before I wink as turn to face him once my place in the bathroom is claimed. My sister comes out of her room just in time to spot my victory.

       "Better luck next time, runts." I tell them before closing the door against Clarissa's cusses and Nick's pouts.

       'They need to step up their game. You would think after so many years, they would know better.' Ryan says and I laugh along with him as I shake my head and pull off my pajama bottoms before turning on the shower.

       'Oh, give the runts a break. They have us for a brother.' I say and he snickers in agreement.

       At eighteen, I'm the oldest sibling in the family. It comes with a lot of perks. Some of which come with getting new things, getting first pick, and having the first, hottest shower. The cons are that I'm basically the third parent. And that was not the best decision, especially with the shit I got into last year.

        Clary is the second oldest at seventeen , she's not the sweetest berry in our bunch but that girl can hold a secret and she's loyal to a fault. I owe her the world and a half over the amount of times she's covered for me.

      It's her testimony that kept me out of jail.

      She may be annoying and the only female sibling, but she holds her own and she actually cool when she doesn't talk and she falls in line.

      'Clary and Rachel can go fly off of a dumpster. Our sister is evil, dammit.' I'm not sure why, but our wolves have had issues with each other ever since we were kids. My mom says that the two have been reincarnated and given a second chance because they ended up killing each other the first time around.

      And I don't think she's too far off.

      I step into the shower and let my body walk into the steaming hot water as I reach for my soap. I pop the cap open and allow the soap to pour into my palm before I begin washing my body, not thinking about anything.

     I dread going to school, but it seems as if my mom was being serious about things being different from last year.

      At my old school, I fucked up big. So big, even my siblings aren't welcomed back, so this year, we all go to a different school. A mostly human school. And to say that it sucks ass would be the biggest fucking understatement of the year.

        I have never done well this people that are different than me, those who judge me, those who are annoying or ignorant and especially those that fucking with my baby sister and brother.

     Which brings me to my last sibling: Nicolas. He's the small sweet wolf that everyone dots on and spoils because he's the only omega in the family.

      He's shy and funny and what most people would classify as adorable. But while everyone fawns over him and treats him hand and foot, I treat him like any other wolf I know, and though he never says anything, I know that he likes it that way.

      There's banging on the door and I groan to myself, knowing that it's time to get out. With an annoyed breath, I turn off the shower and grab my towel from the counter where I left it. I secure it around my waist and open the door to find a very annoyed sister and a shy brother hiding behind her back.

       "Come on, it's Nick's turn." She tells me and I lean against the frame with my arms crossed, raising my brows as I peak around her at the kid who's trying to avoid my gaze.

        "Speak up, runt." I tell him, encouraging him in my own way to speak up for himself and never back down. I can see the internal battle within him, but he holds steady just like I taught him, everyone else content to sit back and baby him.

       "It's my turn in the shower. Get out please," He tell me, though his voice is soft. But that doesn't matter as I dip my head to hide to hide the proud curve of my lips before pushing myself off of the door and gesturing inside the bathroom with a flourish.

       He scurries past the two of us and shuts the door behind him softly, avoiding our eyes. Clarissa looks up at me while shaking his head.

      "You need to be more careful with him. He's an omega, Jason, they're sensitive." She tells me as I begin to walk away and I turn to her before I enter my room.

     "Yes, Clair. An omega not china glass." I tell her and she rolls her eyes before I shut the door to finish getting ready.

Ooooh we have another sweet baby bean to the mix!! So effing cute man! I have a feeling I'll love little Nicolas even more than I love Cody.



QOTD: What kind of sibling are you?

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