Talks and Frustration

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Jason's POV

    My ears ring to mtself as I run through the woods, usiang a short cut to get home.

    My mind feels like lead as the pictures play over and over again in my mind.

    Nathan's hand on the small of Nicks back. Nick letting him pay. Them giggling with each other as they leave the theatre. And Nick sharing his favorite place and favorite food with the boy, the two of them laughing over the snack Nick adores.

    There's a negative feeling spreading through me and it makes me wajr to drag rhat kid out of the booth and away from Nick and tear his neck off of his shoulders and my head is swirling with anger.

    'You're jealous.' Ryan tells me but I shut down the conversation before it even begins, needing to get a kid on these emotions before Nick comes home.


    With me it's always anger and that's why I don't want to be Nicks Mate. Not only is he my bother but he's an Omega and I'm scared that my anger will break a bond between us that's so much more important than even being brothers, though I can't even stomach the idea of touching him like that.

    But after tonight, I can no longer stomach the idea of someone else touching him either.

    And I hate myself for it.

    I get home and the windows are dark except for the one in the living room, and I pave around outside for e bit to come down enough to shift back. Once I am back in two legs, I walk up the stairs and into the house.

    "Nick, baby?" Mom calls form the other room and zo flinch away form the name, knowing rhat hes out there with Nathan having fun without me.

     "Jason." I call back as I head up the stairs and I can hear her say something else but I ignore it as I make my way towards the room beside mine.

    I see lights pass over the window and I walk towards the glass and peer past the curtains, Inloo down and enhance my vision as I see Nick open the car. I watch as he's called back, his face turn back towards Nathan and my jaw tightens as well as my grip in the window seal as I realize what's about to happen.

    Before I can react, Nick turns back around and I breath out a sigh of relief that I didn't even know I was holding. He waves as the guy drives away and I turn to sit at his desk chair as he comes inside.

     First he talks to our premed down in the living room and my ears twitch in satisfaction when I he  at chin laugh carry up the stairs. The more time goes on the more I find myself falling victim to this bond between us and it's driving me crazy trying to resist it for both of our sakes.

   Finally, after waiting for five more minutes, soft footsteps can be heard going up the stairs and I turn towards the door.

    To my surprise, I hear his footsteps slow down left door and just as I think he's going to knock, he keeps walking but i'm he gets to his door, opening is slowly before closing it behind him.

   "I'm in here." I tell him, knowing no matter what he'll get scared and he squeals a little bit and I sigh as I reach over his desk to turn on the light, finding Nick standing by the door, his face aglow with a blush that makes me ache to reach out for him.

    "J-Jason. What are you doing here?" He asks me nervously, looking away from me, obviously not as happy and comfortable as he was a few minutes ago.

     "Where did you go?" I ask him, even though I know exactly where he was.

     "Out with Nathan. For my birthday." He says and my eyes soften as I turn around in the chair and place my elbows on the desk, squeezing my eyes shut against all the conflicting emotions inside of me.

     "Happy birthday, runt." I whisper and I know he hears it but he doesn't say anything and I don't blame him. But there's a question burning my throat so bad that I try to swallow it and ask another. "Why didn't you tell me before you went?"

    "You weren't home." He tries and I turn around to glare at him making me look down, both of us knowing that his claim is bullshit.

     "We drove home together. Clarissa knew didn't she? That's what you were talking about?" I ask him feeling hurt above all else. Nick and I have always been closer than we have even to our sister and the fact that he would tell her soemthing before me makes my chest hurt physically. "You could have told me."

     "You couldn't even look at me." Come his reply a few minutes later, a sniffle being heard as his voice gets thick and I curse myself as I realize just how right Luis may have been.

     "Nick I- I don't know what the fuck is happening to us. What do you want me to do? What do you want me to say? You're my brother, Nicolas. My sixteen year old little brother that I would give my life for. I didn't- How am I supposed to- ." I cut my own words off as I turn around tears coming to my eyes as I try to figure out why the hell to say.

     "You left me alone just like Benny. Nathan didn't leave me." He tells me and my heart breaks at the crack in his voice.

      There's silence in the room as both of us break a little more cursing everyone they will listen to what has happened between us.

what do you think is going to happen next? whew freedom to post and sleep goodnight guys I love you all.



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