{ONESHOT} (Eret): Experiment /PLATONIC\

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Tw: mention of transphobia and unaccepting family

Requested? Nope!

Pronouns: ???

Home country: America

Age: 16

(A/N: the use of strictly female pronouns in the beginning is intended)

No One's POV
(__) sat at her desk, laying face-down on the flat surface as she waited for her friend to answer their phone.

"Hello?" Eret finally answered.

"Hey bestie, you aren't doing anything important right now, are you?" The teen asked tiredly.

"No, why? What's up?" Eret asked curiously.

(__) sighed, sitting up and rubbing her face.  "I- I needed some answers and I thought you'd be the best person to give them to me." She explained.

"You're stalling, (__)." Eret said.

The girl nodded, groaning.  "I know, I know, I'm just scared." She said, her voice beginning to shake.

Eret furrowed his brows, frowning.  "You're scared? Why? Of what?" They asked.

(__) shook her head, sniffling.  "I don't know, I shouldn't be scared of this, but- I just- I- I don't think I'm a girl." She finally said.

There was a pause, Eret pressing her back against her chair as her eyes widened.

"I-is that bad?" (__) whimpered quietly, afraid of the silence coming from the device pressed to her ear.

"No! God, no, that's not bad, (__), that's not bad at all!" Eret reassured quickly, mentally cursing themself for going quiet in their friends time of need.

"Then why do I feel like this..?" The teen whispered, tears trickling down her skin and onto the desk below her face.

Eret sighed, running his fingers through his curly hair.  "Are you...   Unsafe in your home..? Is it internalized transphobia?" He asked cautiously.

(__) sniffled again, sitting up for a moment to wipe her face.  "I don't know if it's transphobia, but I know my parents won't accept me." She said.

Eret hummed, nodding.  "Okay, well...  Let's try an experiment, I'll try using different phrases using varying pronouns, and you see what makes you feel happiest, alright?" They suggested.

(__) sat up, sat up, leaning back in her chair.  "Okay." She nodded, wiping her tears as the fell.

"Okay, so...  Hey man, how's the editing coming along..?" Eret started awkwardly.

(__) felt...  His...  Chest get lighter, a feeling of acceptance washing over him.

"It's...  Coming along, I'm halfway done." (__) answered.

Eret smiled, already hearing the difference in the teens tone of voice.  "Alright, how would you feel about talking about this with someone else? We can continue this experiement with them?" They asked.

"Uhm...  Who do you have in mind?" (__) asked hesitantly.

"Someone else LGBT, maybe Puffy?" Eret replied.

"Yeah...  She'd be good..." The teen mumbled, nodding.

"Okay, hop on Discord, I'll make sure she's not busy." Eret said.

"Okay, I'll talk to you in a minute." (__) hummed, sitting up and scooting his chair closer to his desk, booting up Discord.


Eret hung up, and (__) sat at his set-up, waiting for Eret to join the VC.  He zoned out, only coming back to reality when Eret and Puffy's voice greeted him.

"Hey, (__), Eret told me your situation, you feeling okay?" Puffy's voice spoke kindly.

(__) hesitated slightly, thinking.  "Not entirely, but...  I'm better than I was earlier." He answered.

Puffy hummed, nodding, proud of the younger one being honest with her.  "That's okay," she smiled.  "So to continue with the experiment, we're all just gonna have a conversation about whatever, and we'll use varying pronouns and gendered terms when referring to you." She explained.

"Okay." (__) nodded, smiling slightly.

The three slipped into conversation easily, joking and laughing about most topics, sighing and grumblings angrily at others.  (__) felt miles better, having found a select few pronouns he liked.

(__) checked the time, seeing it had been two hours since he first called Eret.

"So, (__), what pronouns do you think you're most comfortable with..?" Eret asked after a beat of silence.

The teen thought for a moment, pondering the question as he recalled how each pronoun made him feel.

"He/him, they/them, and..." They said, trailing off nervously.

"And..?" Puffy asked hopefully.

"You can tell us, it's what we're here for." Eret reassured gently.

"And I really liked...  I really like void..." (__) said softly, their voice shaking.

Eret and Puffy smiled victoriously.

"That's great!" Puffy cheered, clapping her hands together.  I've gotta go, I've really gotta get to cleaning my kitchen, but I'll talk to you later, guys." She said.

Eret and (__) bid their goodbyes to the woman before she left the call.

"I'm really proud of you, (__)." Eret said softly.

(__) nodded, a sense of relief washing over them as he realized who void truly was. 

"I'm really happy you felt comfortable enough around me that you could talk to me instead of having to figure it out on your own." They continued.

"Yeah, it's not everyday you get to be big sister to some kid having a gender crisis." (__) chuckled, picking at his nails.

Eret laughed, smiling contently.  They sighed, leaning back in her chair.  "Big sis Eret...  Yeah, next I'm gonna help you with binders and masculine makeup." He laughed.

(__) giggled.  "Help me cut my hair too!" Void said.



Hello, darlings! This caused my fourth gender crisis in the past year so please enjoy 😃

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