[PREFERENCE]: Something Annoying They Do

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Requested? Yes! Thank you @FurcedSmile for my first preference request!

Notes: i know you asked for something toxic they do but i'm not going to romanticize toxicity in a relationship as i've had many romantic relationships like that and it's not something i want to normalize, so i changed it to annoying, i hope you don't mind <3

Enjoy, darlings!


Dream likes to 'forget' about doing the dishes all the time, yes, it's annoying, yes, he hates it, but, it has to get done, if he can avoid it, he will, and it pisses you off to no end


Gogy, my sweet, sweet child, please stop sleeping through everything.  Please.  He's missed important dates, days, and even missed picking you up from work and you had to walk home, alone, in the dark, which was actually terrifying, not to mention you were out in the pouring ass rain


Sapnap is loud as shit while you're trying to sleep or do your homework, which is a huge problem considering everyone needs their sleep (don't fight me on this, 8 hours at least, my loves) and he keeps you up while he's playing games with friends or streaming

Karl Jacobs:

He almost never lets you know when there's going to be a video with Jimmy, of course, some of them are spur of the moment type deals, but the least he could do is tell you he needs to head out, but other times you stay at home, waiting up on your boyfriend, and then he's not home until well after midnight


Asks you to hang out all.  The.  Time.  Yes, he's your boyfriend, but you also have chores to do, errands to run, things that have to get done, and sometimes he even plans out entire days with you when you already told him you'd be busy

Wilbur Soot:

We all love Wilbur, let's be honest, but he always asks you to drive him places, wether it be to band practice, a meetup, or just fifteen minutes away, he asks, and it's kinda ridiculous, of course, most of the time you're more than happy to do so, and he gives you gas money (as a decent person does), but sometimes it gets annoying when he could very easily just walk to his destination

Jack Manifold:

Loses every single one of your hair ties, you started dating this man and all of a sudden- boom, you didn't have a single hair tie or scrunchie- he doesn't even have hair!


Corrects your grammar a lot.  We get it, Techno, you were an English major, but you also dropped out, sit down


Doesn't clean up after himself.  He spends the night for one night and all of a sudden, your room, your bathroom, your closet, desk, bed, everything is out of place, I wouldn't be surprised if at some point your PC ended up stuck to the ceiling


Steals your oversized shirts and your hoodies.  Friends share everything, right? Wrong.  That Danny Phantom EXE hoodie is mine bitch give it back.


Misplaces everything you own.  Not really everything, but just like, the most random objects.  That hair brush shaped like a sea shell? Gone.  That contour palette? Vanished.  That autographed Lemon Demon CD you spent fifty bucks on? Good luck finding it.  It's only an issue because he seems to only lose your stuff, and none of his own, and it's awful because you find it in the weirdest places, like one time you found a backpack in your bathroom cabinet


Screams and freaks out over every single bug he finds.  It could be a fucking butterfly and he'd probably cry.  Remember the centipede in his room? Yeah, you found the tiniest spider in his room one time, and he cowered in the corner until you got it out

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