[PREFERENCE]: What They Do For Your Birthday

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Tw: birthday embarrassement lmao

Notes: i'm just a little guy, i'm just a little guy and it's my birthday, are you really gonna hit a little guy on his birthday??  it's my birthday today and i'm gonna make it everyone's problem

Enjoy, darlings!



Since he's a faceless dumbass and can't go anywhere with children, he threw a "party" at his house, it was really just you two, Sapnap, Drista and his Mom, but Dream and his mom made you a cake and cooked dinner for you, so that was fun


He slept through it /j

He didn't know what to do, but Quackity gave him an idea, which was meant to be a joke, but he did it anyways.

He decorated his entire apartment and dressed up in a suit, and once you got home he surprised you with a matching dress/suit, and you two spent the whole night pretending you were at a high class party


He tweeted about it on his main asking what he should do for your birthday

Needless to say, y'all didn't do anything they suggested, and ended up hanging out at home and eating cake while Dream complained about you two needing to get a room.

Karl Jacobs:

You two spent the day at the arcade and then went back to your house to spend the night with your family :)


You didn't wanna do much so you two spent the night together doing dumb shit, like going to 7-11 at three in the morning and speeding down roads in the middle of nowhere

Wilbur Soot:

He took you to an amusement park and then to the beach, where you two had a picnic and watched the sunset

Jack Manifold:

You Laugh You Lose stream, except it's your birthday so chat "doesn't notice" when you laugh therefore it's impossible for you to lose, and it's all Jack's fault, and at the end when on of you loses all five lives, the winner gets to smash a cake in the losers face.


He made his day leave the house and set of a fancy dinner date for you two, and he tried to cook, but his mom wrote the recipe in a way he couldn't understand it and he ended up burning the food, so you had a fancy dinner date at home with chinese takeout


He completely forgot, and was streaming when he remembered, so he quickly ended his stream and ran over to your house, where your family was already celebrating with you.  Your family let him join in and he took you out to an arcade that weekend to make up for it


He forgot too, but remembered halfway through the day, so he showed up at your house with a thousand yard stare and a giant rock with your name on it.

He said it was your present, dropped it on your front step, and ran away.  He denies he ever did that to this day.


He took you to an ice skating rink, where you both fell and busted your asses quite a few times, and then took you to a park to hang out with friends until the cops were called and you had to leave lmao


Him, being from a rich white cis het family, was very shocked to discover you didn't get the huge, typical "sweet sixteen" birthday party that pretty much every girl he went to school with got, so he took it upon himself to plan out an entire birthday party for you, and invited all your friends, as well as his, and made sure it was the best birthday party of your life


hey hey hey

btw the rich white cis het family thing was a joke because those are just the vibes he gives off

anyways, guess what i got for my birthday??? roller derby practice.

also, unpopular opinion: we should normalize asking for money for gifts more, because then, if you don't know what to get for somebody, you can just give them cash, and then you won't have to be worried about them not liking it, because they can put that money to good use, or to have fun or buy things they want

also i went to a roller derby clinic and oh my gods i'm very gay and only for roller derby girls o my good heavens-

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