{ONESHOT} (Multiple): Kids In The Dark |Part 2|

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Age: 16

Pronouns: she/her

Notes: continuation of story part 52 Kids In The Dark

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
"Child," Wilbur shot back teasingly.

Tommy rolled his eyes, but moved to sit next to the older male, Tubbo following him.

"(__), Ranboo, these are the brains behind the Shadow Kids, Phil and Kristen." Dream said, moving to stand behind two adults, a blonde man and a dark haired woman.

The two new 'burnouts' we're immediately put on edge.  Two adults? In the Sanctuary? Were they spy's? Were they-

"They started helped start the Shadow Kids when they moved over here from the UK with Tommy and Tubbo, they're not the 'face' of the organization so they can go and collect information and supplies without the issue of being spotted," Dream explained.


Ranboo and (__) had been separated to go to different dorms, Ranboo with the boys, (__) with the girls.

(__) sat at one of the desks in the mostly empty room, a notepad and pen in her hand, writing down all the information she had gathered on the people she had met.


The 'leader' of the Shadow Kids, started with Phil and Kristen when he was 16 and living in an abusive home

Dream's best friend, leads most of the patrols, trains kids who are willing to, to do patrols

Dream's right hand man, doesn't fight, but helps with the social media aspect of getting the word out there, creates new codes to communicate where the base is through tweets, captions on insta etc. etc.

In law school, uses his knowledge to defend anyone in the organization that has been accused of being a part of the Shadow Kids

Karl Jacobs:
The main income of the Shadow Kids, works with popular YouTuber/philanthropist Mr. Beast to get a steady income for the organization

Wilbur Soot:
A teacher for the younger kids within the organization, creates music, Tommy's older brother(?)

Doesn't have a specific job, goes on patrol, mostly there for moral

One of the strongest in the shadow kids, works with code a lot

Quiet, mostly kept to himself, hacker for the Shadow Kids

Phil and Kristen:
Everyone's parents


As she was writing all the information she could think of down, the door to the small room opened, another girl stepping in.

"Oh, hello, I didn't realize we got another girl," The new woman said, smiling as (__) turned around to face her.  "I'm Puffy, it's nice to meet you." She spoke as she stepped forward and shut the door behind her.

"I'm (__), it's nice to meet you too, Puffy." (__) smiled, standing up and holding out a hand for the woman to shake.  Puffy took her hand and shook it with a firm grip.  "So, I didn't really get to ask when I met Dream, but what are the rules here?" She asked.

Puffy sighed as she pulled her hand away, crossing her arms.  "Those boys, never explaining anything to the new kids..." She mumbled as she shook her head.  "The rules are simple, clean up after any mess you make, take care of yourself, and treat others with respect, other than that, you're free to do whatever you want." She explained, shrugging.

"Oh...  That's...  That's not what I was expecting," (__) chuckled.  "So...  What do you do around here?" She asked, wanting to get as much information on people as possible, so she didn't get confused about anything.

"In general? I'm the nurse and councilor, but right now? I'm getting ready for the party tonight." Puffy smiled, walking over to one of the only decorated bunk beds, opening a chest at the foot of the bed and digging through it.

"Party?" The younger girl furrowed her brows. 

"Yeah, we're celebrating six years of the Shadow Kids, you should come see it," Puffy explained as she pulled out a box of makeup and skin care products.  "You don't have to stay, since it's your first night here, but it'd be a good way to see what it's like here."



I know I'm supposed to be writing requests but like i really like this series so you're gonna put up with it for now

lmao anyways my sister injured me at practice and while i was laying on the floor crying i told her to fuck off and now she's turning everything i say to her into 'you hate me and you always will' and she refuses to talk to me but as long as she moves out next year like she plans to i will be fine bc with that attitude i definitely fuckin do

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