{ONESHOT} (Purpled): Big Brother /PLATONIC\

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Tw: mentions of past abuse and neglect

Requested? Nope!

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 15

Home country: America

(A/N: last names and names of adults are completely made up, if the names happen to be real it is pure coincidence)

No One's POV
(__) sat on her new bed, looking around the bland room.  Tomorrow she was supposed go to the mall with Margaret, her new foster mom, to get more things for her room, as well as some new clothes.

She looked up at a knock on her door, and sighed, standing and walking over, she unlocked the door and swung it open, being met with her new foster brother.

"Uhh...  Hey." She greeted.

"Hi, I didn't get to meet you, I was at school, I thought I'd introduce myself." The blonde boy in front of her said.

(__) nodded awkwardly.  "Oh...  Okay..." She said, gripping the door like it could pull her away from the tense moment she was in.

"I'm Grayson, it's nice to meet you." The boy said, smiling reassuringly.  He stuck out his hand for (__) to shake.  "I heard you just turned fifteen, right?" He asked as they shook hands, the younger girl in front of him having a surprisingly strong grip.

"Mhm." (__) nodded.

"Cool, my mom told me you didn't get to celebrate because you were in court, so I thought we could go get food and hang out at the park?" The older boy suggested.

(__) smiled, her eyes lighting up.  "Really?" She asked hopefully.

Grayson smiled.  "Yeah, really." He chuckled.

"Okay, I'll be downstairs in a minute, lemme just grab my phone and put some shoes on." (__) said happily.

Grayson nodded, humming as he turned to leave.  "Oh, and put on a jacket, it's cold out!" He reminded, mostly for himself, but he'd thought it'd be nice to warn his new sister as well.

"Will do!" (__) called back.

(__) hurried and grabbed her favourite jacket, a zip up hoodie with a Superman logo on the front, and grabbed her phone, tucking it into one of the pockets.  She grabbed her only pair of shoes, and old, beat up pair of three inch platform heeled boots, pulling them on and lacing them up over her Hello Kitty themed socks.

She grabbed her backpack that she carried everywhere, which contained her wallet, a spare phone charger, pepper spray, and a set of keys.

She raced down the stairs, jumping over the last two and rushing towards the door.

"Wow, it's like you've never been outside before." Grayson laughed, looking up from his phone, locking the device and tucking it into his pocket.

"Look at me, do I look like I go outside?" (__) grinned.

Grayson shrugged, his grin matching hers.  "Touche." He said. 

"Mom! (__) and I are going out!" He called, cupping his hands around his mouth.

"What time will you be back?!" The woman shouted back.

Grayson glanced at the clock on the wall, which read 5:13 PM.  "Around ten!" He yelled.

There was a pause.  "Does (__) have money?!" Margaret asked.

(__) was about to reply with a yes, when Grayson shouted again.

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