{ONESHOT} (Technoblade): Pride

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Tw: none

Requested? Yes! Thank you @KnightTimeNow !

Age: 21

Pronouns: she/her

Notes: i dunno shit about fuck in volleyball, but i tried bc at this point i would sell my soul for you, btw, i'm sorry it's so short, but i've been procrastinating on this for like 5-6 days now, so like •-•
i'm sorry

Enjoy, @KnightTimeNow !


No One's POV
(__) wiped sweat from her forehead, wishing she'd never started playing a sport as she watched the tallest girl on the opposing team prepare to serve.  She was around (__)'s age, with a muscular, masculine build, and the unibrow to match.  Her short brown hair was pushed back with a black headband, and sweat soaked her jersey.

(__) was pretty sure that girl was someones brother with his dick duct-taped and his bra stuffed, because she's played this team before, and that girl looked a little more feminine last time.

The opposing team had won the third set, and the first, (__)'s team managing to win the second and forth, now fighting for the fifth, currently at fourteen points, with the opposing team at eleven.

Before she knew it, the ball was in the air, coming over the net at her, she watched in slow motion as it got closer.

Her legs bent at the knees as she got ready to jump.

One more point to win.

She inhaled deeply as the crowd around her held their breath, not a single person speaking.

One more point to win.

She sprung up, reaching her hand up as the ball came closer to her.

One more point to win.

As her hand made contact, she heard people on her opponents side shout in protest.

One more point to win.

She ignored the pain the shot through her ankle when she landed, watching as the ugly girl rushed forward to block her attack, only for her to hit the ball over to one of her teammates.

One more point to win.

The ugly girls teammate seemed to panic, and immediately outstretched her hands to protect her face, resulting in her catching the ball.

The entire gym went silent for a few, long seconds.

(__) heard her boyfriend, Technoblade, start cheering first.

"That's my fucking girlfriend!" He shouted.

The audience screamed in excitement, though the fans of the opposing team shouted in anger and annoyance.

(__) quickly made her way over to Techno in the crowd, like the rest of her teammates, smiling brightly.

She giggled as Techno picked her up by her hips and spun her around.  He kissed her excitedly as he set her down, sliding his arms around her waist.

He pulled away, grinning down at his girlfriend proudly.  "That was amazing, (__), I can't believe that girl just caught the ball like that." He laughed.

(__) giggled, licking her lips as she shook her head.  "I can't believe it either, but hey, it won us the game." She smiled.

Techno nodded, letting go of her waist in exchange for her hand.  "To be honest, I had no clue what was happening the entire time, I just cheered every time our side did." He admitted.

(__) shook her head, laughing.  "You're such a dork, babe." She said, standing on her toes and leaning in slightly.

"A proud dork." Techno grinned as he closed the gap between their lips.


Techno stared down at (__) as he handed her the cup, an unamused look on his face as she smiled up at him.  "You were walking just fine two hours ago." He grumbled as he sat next to her.

"I was running off of adrenaline and a huge ego." (__) replied, sipping her water as she looked down at her twisted ankle.  She swallowed before speaking again.  "And you got upset when I said I could just put some KT tape on it and suffer, so this is your fault." She chuckled.

Techno sighed, throwing his head back against the sofa and groaning.  "You're so annoying."

"Annoyingly loveable."


Can you tell I did know how to end it? 😃

I don't think this oneshot lived up to your expectations and I kinda hate it, but I've been stalling for days and I've got a bunch of drama in my life rn so I didn't want this piling on stress.  Sorry.

Ily, have a cookie 🍪

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