{ONESHOT} (Wilbur Soot): I Know My Girlfriend Is A Witch

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Tw: none

Age: 25

Pronouns: she/her

Home country: America

Notes: i went to a hippie festival and walked around barefoot in a dress with my sister for like three hours of it, so now you get this

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
(__) sighed as she smoothed out the skirt of her sundress in the mirror, today, she'd be meeting her boyfriends closest friends today, and while two of them were literal children, she couldn't help but be nervous of what they thought of her.

Her hair was put into two dutch braids, and a sodalite pendant hung from her neck over her dress.  A friendship bracelet wrapped around her wrist, and a sterling silver armband gently squeezed her bicep, just were a huge henna tattoo ended.

Her dangling, brown mushroom earrings swayed when she turned her head as the bathroom door opened, her six foot five boyfriend peering around the door with a smile.

"Are you ready, love?" He asked softly.

(__) smiled gently, nodding.  "Almost, will you help me with my choker?" She asked, picking up her favorite choker.  It was a simple accessory, just a plain white velvet ribbon with a clasp in the back, but she wore it often (and she could recall a time she had a tan line from wearing it all day at a festival).

Wilbur nodded, stepping into their shared bathroom and moving to stand behind (__).  He gently took the choker from her, and moved her braided hair out of the way, opening the clasp of the choker and hooking it one of the loops on the chain, baking sure it wasn't too tight before sliding his hands down to (__)'s waist.

She smiled and leaned back against his chest as he rested his chin against her shoulder.  "You're so cute." She whispered, tipping her head back to press a kiss to his temple, one of her hands coming up to cup his cheek.

Wilbur hid his face in the crook of her neck, his cheeks beginning to heat up as he slowly turned red.  "Stoop..!" He said as his arms went around (__)'s waist.

The girl chuckled, kissing her boyfriends temple once more before she gently tugger his arms off her.  "Alright, Will, we have to go or we'll be late." She said as he stood up straight, towering over her with almost a foot in height difference.

The couple made their way out of the house, shutting off all the lights as they went before they were on their way to the cafe the group was meeting at.

When the couple finally arrived, they found Wilbur's friends sitting towards the back, a couple of tables pulled together.

Wilbur led (__) over, seeing as how she had decided to be shy, and was now hiding behind him.  "Hey guys!" He called, catching their attention.

Everybody exchanged greetings as the couple took their seats in front of Tommy and Tubbo, (__) sat between Wilbur and Jack.

"So, everyone, this is my girlfriend (__), girlfriend (__), this is everyone." Wilbur vaguely introduced.

(__) waved at everyone with a sme.  "Hello everyone." She said, recieving several different greetings in response.

"So, (__), how did you meet Wilbur?" Tommy immediately asked, sitting forward slightly.

(__) turned to the boy across from Wilbur, a little anxious at the fact that everyone was now listening to her.

"Um, well, I moved to the UK when I was nineteen from America, I had barely any money and was about to be living on the streets when I saw that he was looking for a roommate, and we struck a deal until I got a stable job, and we've been living together since then." She explained, playing with the hem of her dress in her lap.

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