[PREFERENCE] When You Get Catcalled

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Tw: catcalling

Requested? Nope!

Enjoy, darlings!



-tells the guy to fuck off
-puts his arm around your shoulder
-gets tf outta there
-makes sure you're okay once you're far enough away


-doesn't realize it at first
-when he does he grabs your hand and starts walking faster
-"are you okay?"
-tries to make you feel better


-will fight
-this man is from Texas you think he's gonna let some guy catcall you? Nah, you treat women with RESPECT in the south
-will get you out of there very quickly though
-makes sure you're alright

Karl Jacobs:

-it happened while filming a Mr. Beast video
-literally every guy you knew just kinda stared at the dude who catcalled you
-karl pulled you away to make sure you were alright while your brother went all angry big brother on the dude


-he's short, so he's closer to hell therefore more rage
-cusses them out, alternating between Spanish and English bc he's not exactly gonna think clearly enough to just speak one language
-once he realizes you're standing right behind him, he grabs your hand and walks away
-makes sure you're alright
-you both laugh at what he said

Wilbur Soot:

-he tries to deal with it, but you beat him to it
-"I've got a bigger dick than my boyfriend, I suggest you walk away."
-grabs your hand and walks away
-makes sure you're alright

Jack Manifold:

-the one time you're not at the gym and wearing leggings
-"aye man, that's just creepy."
-when the dude doesn't back down you finally stand up for yourself
-"dude, I can bench 150, I'd hit you right now if there weren't witnesses."
-he makes sure your okay afterwards


-pissed cuz y'all are also out with his little sister who's in first grade
-death stare
-walks away while holding your hand


-absolutely disgusted
-doesn't say anything though because he would probably make it worse
-walks away with you
-was recording at the time so with your consent he posts it to social media to make his fans aware that it's an actual problem and tell them that if they see something like this happening, say something


-tells you to wait where your standing and walks up to the guy
-grabs him by the shoulder
-"did you know that if you rent a boat under a fake name, take it out into international waters, and murder someone, then dump their body into the water, police won't be able to trace the murder back to you because it's international waters, therefore they have no jurisdiction there and can't investigate, and it's under a fake name, so you'll be able to get away with it?" "N-no?" "Ha! Okay.  Wanna go on a boat trip with me?"
-makes sure you're okay afterwards


-this dude has hospitalized kids, you really think he won't try and fuck up a grown man for catcalling you?
-uses the fact that he's probably a good 6-8 inches taller than the man to his advantage
-for some reason people are intimidated by the scars on his hands so he uses that to his advantage, too


-puts his arm around your shoulders or waist
-"aye yo, bro, fuck off."
-gets you out of the mans sight as quick as possible
-"what the fuck..? You are obviously a minor, what is wrong with people?!"
-tweets about it, with your consent of course, knowing his fanbase is mostly boys, and really educates them on the subject
-refuses to have fans that catcall women

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