{ONESHOT} (Karl Jacobs): Sick Days

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Tw: snot faced reader (just a really bad cold), fluffff

Requested? Yes! Jk, jk, of course it isn't

Age: 23

Pronouns: they/them

Notes: Karl w the sick partner what he gon do

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
As soon as (__) answered the door, they were wrapped in a hug.

"(__)!" The visitor cheered, burying their head in the crook of (__)'s neck.

"Woah, Karl, back up a bit, I'm sick, I don't want you catching whatever I have." They said, pushing their boyfriend back slightly.

The brunette backed up, but kept a grip on his partners waist, furrowing his brows.  "You are? Are you alright?" He asked worriedly, immediately pressing the back of his palm to their forehead.

"I'm fine, Karl, it's just a really bad cold..." They sighed, nudging Karl's hand away from their face.  They leaned forward slightly, resting their head on their tall boyfriends chest. "Can we go in now? I'm getting dizzy standing up." (__) asked, their eyes shut in attempt to stop the feeling of the world spinning.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..!" Karl breathed, stepping into the house and closing the door behind him.  He led (__) over to the sofa, helping them lay down and pulling their blanket back over them that they had discarded onto the floor when he'd arrived.  "Do you need anything?" He asked, smiling slightly at the fact they were using the blanket with his face on it (he'd given it to them on their first Christmas dating).

(__) thought for a moment, their arm thrown over their eyes to block out the light that made their headache worse.  "Go to the kitchen and get me some ibuprofen, it's in the top cabinet by the fridge." They instructed.

Karl nodded, brushing his hand against their cheek gently.  "Okay." He mumbled.

He walked to the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinet until he found what he was looking for.  He also filled a glass with water before walking back to the sofa.  He set the glass on the coffee table before sitting on the edge of the cushions, gently pulling (__)'s arm from their face.

"Peek-a-boo..!" He grinned.  He couldn't help but laugh slightly as (__) tried to hide a smile, shaking their head.  "Here, sit up so you don't spill." He said, handing the bottle of ibuprofen to his partner and reaching over to grab the glass of water.

(__) nodded, opening the pill bottle and shaking two into their palm.  They popped them into their mouth before taking a few sips of water to wash it down.  "Thank you." They said softly as Karl took the glass and bottle from their hands and set them on the table.

Karl gave a weak smile as they leaned into his chest, their arms pressed up to their own.  He loosely wrapped his arms around them, rubbing their back gently.  "Don't worry..." He mumbled, resting his cheek on the top of their head.

They sat like this for a few minutes, in comfortable silence before Karl realized something.

"Where are your roommates?" He asked, looking around.

"Both at work." (__) replied quickly.  They sniffled.  "Can you hand me a tissue?" They asked, pointing to the tissues by their glass of water on the coffee table.

"Of course."

(__) sat back as they blew their nose, wiping away snot and grimacing.  They held their dirty tissue in their hand after clearing their sinuses, and leaned into their friends chest again, closing their eyes.  "I'm gonna sleep here, now..." They mumbled tiredly.

Karl giggles, and moved to lay down on the sofa with (__), pulling the blanket over both of them and pulling his phone out of his pocket, setting it on the floor.  "I think I'll take a nap, too." He smiled softly.

"Sweet dreams, Karl..." (__) mumbled, their head on his chest, already slipping into a deep sleep.

The brunette under them grinned happily, and he hid it by turning his head and using one of his arms as a pillow.

"Love you..." (__) breathed out as they fell asleep.


can you tell i didn't know how to end it lmao

this is based off the fact that my body decided to give me a face full of snot the other day so i was unable to go to work in the morning (but my mother still made me go to derby practice 🙄) so yeah

anyways, i love y'all \p and i hope you enjoyed! <3

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