{ONESHOT} (Technoblade): Darling, You'll Be Okay

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Tw: death, panic attacks,

Requested? Yes, @KnightTimeNow you have made a mistake, i aim to make you sob

Age: 22

Pronouns: she/her

Notes: idk if you meant to say c!Techno or not but if not i can change it for you, and i also came up with a random name for the cousin, and i apologize if side characters are ooc but i feel like they'd react this way in a situation like this

Enjoy, (or don't) darlings!


No One's POV
(__) waved one last time to her partner before she lost sight of him through the thick trees.  She turned back around, sighing.

"We needed to do this sooner, Melody, we don't see each other enough." (__) laughed, looking over at her cousin on the horse next to her.

The older girl smiled, nodding.  "I finally got time off work, so better late than never, I guess." She laughed, running her fingers through her hair.

(__) grinned, focusing back on the path in front of her.  This trip was gonna be life changing.  She could feel it.


The two women had quite the journey from the cold, artic lands that (__) lived in with Techno, all the way to Las Nevada's, where they planned to stay for a week and then part ways.

The huge city was decided into two sections, hotels, and entertainment, which included restaurants and bars.  The part of the city that was all hotels wasn't all that big, so it was easy to travel from there to the casinos and other attractions.

First, the girls decided to stop by their hotel room.

"I'm taking a nap, I'm exhausted." (__) sighed, dropping her bags at the foot of one of the beds before flopping down onto the mattress.

"I'm right there with you." Melody chuckled, dropping her own luggage at the door and laying down on her own bed.  She sighed contently, the sound turning into a groan.  "I say we just sleep tonight and go party tomorrow." She suggested.

(__) hummed in agreement.  "No talk, only sleep." She mumbled, hugging one of the fluffy pillows to her face.

"Okay," Melody chuckled.


(__) stretched, yawning sleepily as she opened her eyes.  She winced as the bright street lamp right outside the hotel window finally processed within her brain, and groaned.  She sat up, shuffling out of bed and walking over to the window.  She closed the curtains, frowning now that there wasn't any light. 

She shuffled back to her bed, sitting on the edge and turning her lamp on.  Her eyes landed on Melody, who laid in the same position as when she had fallen asleep, on top of her bedsheets, her arms out beside her and her legs still dangling off the edge of the mattress, her shoes still on.

"Mel?" (__) spoke softly, her voice gravely from sleep.  She rubbed her eyes, waiting for a response.  "Mel, wake up." She sighed, running her fingers through her bed head in an attempt to calm it.

Melody didn't even stir, which (__) found weird since her cousin used to always be a light sleeper.  She rolled her eyes, tying her hair back and getting out of bed again.

She checked the clock on her bedside table, which read 2:29 AM in vibrant red numbers.  She leaned over, shaking her cousins shoulder.  "Melody?" She furrowed her brows, shaking the girl harder.  "Mel, wake up, this isn't funny." She said.

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