{ONESHOT} (Wilbur Soot): Loss /PLATONIC\

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Tw: death, panic attack, vomiting

Age: 15

Home country: America

Pronouns: she/her

Notes: yes i know reader is young, but that's required for this oneshot 😃 i also got very carried away with the panic attack thing but oh well this was only written for my comfort so go off ig

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
(__) sat at the table, fixing typos in the script for her newest video. Yes, she was on the SMP, and not only was she the youngest there, but she also ran her own little horror series, and she'd been dying to write more of the script, and she'd finally gotten the chance too while Wilbur was streaming with Tommy.

She had begged her mother to let her stay in the UK for the summer. Of course, she had to stay with a responsible adult, but she also didn't want to encroach on anything too serious, which was why she was staying with Wilbur.

He was a responsible adult, but he also knew that (__) could take care of her self, for the most part, and would feel comfortable leaving her alone while he went to band practice and all the other important things that he couldn't bring her to.

Flash forward to now, July fourth, a little under halfway through the three month meetup, and they had just all gotten home from meeting up together to celebrate Tommy's one year on the SMP, and now they were streaming.

(__) had opted out of joining in, as she had explained that she wanted to get to work on her script for her series.

She jumped slightly when her phone vibrated loudly. She reached over, picking it up.


"(__), Emily got into a car crash and died this morning."

The girl was silent for a moment, staring dead ahead at the wall with a blank face. She pulled her phone away from her ear and ended the call. She set the device down and stood from her seat at the table, not bothering to close her laptop as she walked away from the kitchen.

She felt her heart beat in her chest and heard it in her ears as she walked down the hall to Wilbur's office, where she could hear him laughing.

She raised her fist to the closed door, knocking gently.

"Come in!" Wilbur called, smile still evident in his voice.

(__) twisted the knob, pushing the door open and stepping in slightly.

"Wilbur?" She asked softly, her hand sliding up to hold the edge of the door.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked, still not taking notice of the girls trembling hands and shaking legs.

"I'm gonna have a panic attack."

Wilbur gasped silently, immediately scrambling to leave the discord call and log out of Minecraft. He pulled his earbuds out, standing up.

"What happened?! What's wrong?" He asked quickly, walking up to the girl.

(__) trapped Wilbur in a hug as soon as he was within arms reach, gripping the back of his sweater so tightly her knuckles turned white.

Wilbur's arms went around the girls shoulders, one of his hands lacing his fingers through her hair.

"My- my friend just called me and told me Emily Simmons got into a car crash and died." (__) said calmly, her voice quiet, barely above a whisper.

Wilbur tightened his hold on the girl, rubbing her back. "I'm sorry." He said.

The brunette man stood with the girl, silent as he waited for the panic attack she had warned him about to begin. He braces himself, pressing his hand a little more firmly onto her back as he rubbed his palm up and down her spine.

He felt his heart break in his chest when (__) began shaking, her breathing picking up in speed and becoming laboured.

It took a few minutes for (__) to finally choke out a sob, her voice muffled into Wilbur's chest.

"Shhh, shh, it's okay, let's go sit in the bathroom, incase you throw up." He said gently, removing one arm from around the girl and helping lead her out of his office.

He kept his hand in her hair, but move it so his palm was cradling her head. He flicked on the bathroom light, and gently pushed (__) in first, following behind her.

He made her sit on the floor before joining her, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her closer. "I'm so, so sorry, (__)..." He whispered, unsure of if the girl heard him over her own gut wrenching sobs.

Wilbur didn't even try to calm her, knowing she needed to cry, she deserved to cry. So many things in the girls life were just absolutely fucked, and he'd only ever seen her break once.

His fingers coursed through (__)'s hair, making sure she knew he was still there. Tears stung his eyes as he could only listen helplessly for the moment as she sobbed uncontrollably, gasping for air between cries.

Eventually, Wilbur heard her gag, and sat up off the wall, and pulled her over to the toilet, scooping her hair back in his hand and holding it in a fist, so he could grab her hand, which had been reaching for him.

(__) gagged and coughed until she choked up the contents of her stomach, only making her cry more.

"It's okay." Wilbur reassured, squeezing her hand. He frowned when he felt her squeeze his hand as hard as she could. It wasn't painful or anything, it just worried him more. "Try to breathe, it'll help." He coached.

Once (__)'s stomach could no longer empty itself, Wilbur helped her rinse her mouth out before they both sat back against the wall. As gross as it was for (__) to throw up, Wilbur was somewhat relieved that it happened, because (__) slowly quieted, her sobs nothing more than quiet sniffles.

Wilbur carded his fingers through the young girls hair, his other arm around her shoulders, rubbing her bicep gently.

"I'm sorry, (__), I really am." He whispered, only feeling her shiver in response.

It wasn't long until (__)'s breathing slowed, and evened out. Her eyes closed, and her head rested against Wilbur's shoulder.

The silence of the bathroom allowed Wilbur time to think, letting him wonder, what had (__) done to deserve this? To lose someone so close to her? Why had the universe decided to be so violent towards the poor girl? What did she do wrong?

The brunette man though back to a month and a half ago, to the call he'd received from Emily. He remembered that she had only been a few years older than him, and she spoke of (__) as if she were her daughter. It was sweet, how she had called Wilbur to make sure that (__) would be safe staying with him for three months, to make sure he knew of all the girls little quirks and the needs that had to be met.

It was thoughtful, and that thirty minutes talking to the woman was the most interesting half hour of his life. Emily was sweet, she was kind and thoughtful, and she was one of the nicest people Wilbur had ever spoken to.

With the knowledge that (__) had known the woman for most of her life, he felt his heart ache, for this was probably the girls biggest loss.


I didn't know how to end it lmao.

This was mostly a vent chapter, one of my friends died on July 4th, and i been thinking about it recently so yea

If you ever wanna talk about something like that, just lmk, my DM's are always open just hmu and we can talk♥️

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