{ONESHOT} (Multiple): Kids In The Dark

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Tw: mentions of past abuse, self harm, mentions of past drug abuse

Age: 16

Pronouns: she/her

Notes: when living with parents is too much, impossible, or just not good, kids often run away...  what if there was some sanctuary they could go to?    ranboo is also sixteen for the sake of the oneshot

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
(__) tied her flannel around her waist, huffing in annoyance and continuing her journey away from her house.  She got to the end of the street her parents house sat on, grinning slightly when she saw her friend waiting for her at the end.

She jogged the last few yards towards him, giving him a quick, tight hug.  "Are you ready?" She asked as she pulled away.

"Are you?" The tall boy replied, his voice slightly shaking with anxiety and excitement.

(__) sighed loudly, dramatically taking his hand in hers.  "No, but at least I'll be living a life I control." She smirked.

The boy nodded, taking a calming breath as he squeezed his best friends hand.  "Then let's go."


Running away from home was no easy feat, especially with guards always on patrol now that parents everywhere had caught wind of the sanctuary kids had created to escape.  But also because the sanctuary was about halfway up the state of California, and they had no means of getting there, other than by foot.

"Boo, you can read a map when it's upsidedown," (__) chuckled as she shook her head.

The boy blushed, and quickly fixed the map on the grass in front of him.  "I knew that, just wanted to make you laugh!" He defended, not looking up from the map as the girl beside him laughed.  He silently sighed as he began to trace his finger down along the lines, leading back to the last place he had marked to keep track of where they had been.

He smiled as he realized they had made significant progress in the past week, and they were almost there.  He lifted his gaze to the field empty field he and his companion sat in, looking out at the treeline.

"We've got about ten more miles to go before we're there." He announced, turning to face his best friend.

The girl grinned happily, tugging on the leather bracelet around her wrist.  The bracelet was something Ranboo had given her on her twelfth birthday, it had his name and birthday on it, but the strip of leather had been through a lot, so the writing on it had been scratched out, but it still held the same meaning, if not more, as when he gave it to her.

"The sun is setting, so we should go to sleep so we aren't so tired when we get there-"

(__) was cut off by the sound of a twig breaking, and the two teens turned around quickly to make sure they weren't being attacked by vicious animals.

It wasn't animals, but they were being attacked.  In front of them stood two men, one dressed in a dark green shirt, a black and white knitted cardigan, a pair of black, techwear pants and a red bandana around his face, only leaving his eyes exposed, although not really, as his curly, dark brown hair hung down in his face.

His partner was dressed in a white shirt, with a dark red, unzipped hoodie, khaki shorts and a green bandana around his mouth and nose, and had blond curly hair, but his bright blue eyes were on full display.

The only things that seemed to tie the two together were the bulletproof vests protecting their torsos, and the shotguns in their hands, aimed at the teens sitting on the ground.

"Who are you?" The blond demanded, his voice holding a noticeable British accent.

Ranboo and (__) glanced at each other, seeing they were both holding their hands up in surrender.

"Well?" The brunette pressed, deciding they took to long to answer.

"U-uh, we're j-just hanging out here, we didn't know it was private property!" Ranboo tried to lie his way out.

The blond and brunette shared a knowing look.  "Why are you packed like you're traveling then?" The taller of the two asked, using the shotgun to motion to the backpacks and other gear on the ground in front of the two teens.

"U-uh, I can explain!" Ranboo exclaimed.

(__) glared at Ranboo, because he definitely couldn't explain all the hiking and camping equipment.

The two with bullet proof vests lowered their weapons, and stared at the newcomers for a moment.

"Code burnout!" The blonde called, and turned to the trees not too far behind them, and two, short whistles rang out from the woods.

Ranboo and (__) looked around in confusion as the whistles carried through all the trees around the open field, and young adults and older teens came out of nowhere, moving towards the group of four.

The blond removed the bandana around his face, revealing that he was not, in fact, grown, but just a boy, a teen, like them.  The brunette did the same, grinning at his partner.

"You two did good for it being your first patrol," a new voice chuckled.  "Much better than some of the kids I've seen."

A tall man, with a green hoodie, black, fingerless gloves and techwear pants, stepped forward, grinning at the two teens he seemed to know.

(__) scanned him carefully, her eyes widening at the handgun on his hip and the hunting knife in his left hand.

"I should probably introduce myself, I'm Dream, the leader of the Shadow Kids."


Dream led the two new kids through the winding underground hallways, explaining to them why he started the Shadow Kids and the reason for the sanctuary.

"But anyways, enough about the place, it's time for you to meet the people!" Dream grinned, flashing his pearly white teeth as they came to a stop in front of a set of double doors.  He pushed them open, ushering the teens inside, including the blond and brunette, who's names were Tommy and Tubbo.

Inside, was a large cafeteria, tables scattered about with a kitchen all the way in the back.  The walls were made of cinder blocks, and the whole place was dimly lit, and cold, making (__) pull her flannel over her shoulders and begin to button it up.

Dream led them over to a group of tables that had been pushed together, which had a few people sitting together, eating, talking and laughing, some messing about on computers.

"Hey guys, we've got two new burnouts that I want you to meet." Dream announced, letting the group calm down and turn their attention to their 'leader'. Dream smiled, turning so he was facing the teens and his friends.  "This is (__) and Ranboo, they just got here, Tommy and Tubbo spotted them in the field." He introduced.

"Ranboo, (__), these are the main people that helped start the Shadow Kids," Tommy said behind the two. 

"Okay, I'm sorry, what are 'burnouts'?" (__) asked, looking up at Dream.

The man smiled gently.  "They're what we call the new kids, once you've been here for a couple days and get used to everyone, you'll be called 'sparks'," Dream explained.  "Wilbur over there is the one who came up with it." He said, pointing to a tall, brunette man with round glasses and a brown trenchcoat, who waved and smiled.

"Poetic fucker..." Tommy grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Child." Wilbur shot back.


i'm gonna write a whole ass actual book about this, like not fanfiction like an actual book, at least, i'm gonna try


i have a birthday soon so wtf?? i'm aging? i deadass always think i'm like 8 but no, i've been on the godforsaken planet for over a decade that's unacceptable

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