[PREFERENCE] When You Have To Babysit An Infant

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Enjoy, darlings!



You had to babysit your friends six month old daughter for a couple days while she was out of town for some conference, so when you told Clay you couldn't stream with him, he immediately came over to help.

He's great with kids, and babies, super sweet and knows how to take care of them, maybe because he has younger siblings, maybe because he likes kids.

"Dude, I'm supposed to be the one babysitting." "I know, I'm just here for moral support." "Then gimme the baby, Clay!" "...  No."

Doesn't even flinch when he gets baby vomit down his back, mans is absolutely unfazed, simply looks at the baby girl with an unamused look.  "Thanks, hun."

You got some absolutely adorable pictures of your big strong 6'3" boyfriend playing with the baby for blackmail later.


Nick doesn't seem like the type to like babies or little kids, but he's got a little sister whom he loves, and is just a big ol' softy once you put a baby in his arms.

"Wow, some tough guy you are." "Shut up and look at his tiny fuckin hands."

Complains about being woken up in the middle of the night, but doesn't let you get up to take care.

Really, he's the one babysitting at this point.

"You should babysit more often." "Or you could put a ring on it and get your own." "...  That's an option?" "No."


Bitch he's the youngest child, the baby, he don't know shit.

"Babe! It's crying!" "Oh my god, you are not allowed to have kids."

Absolutely refuses to change diapers, gags, makes faces, forces himself to shed a tear to get out of it.

Will feed the infant, though, says he 'enjoys it when it shuts up'.

All in all, he tries his best but he's shit at babysitting...  You do however get some cute pics of him sitting at his setup with the baby in his lap while editing a video.

Karl Jacobs:

This man adores babies, so when your sister asked you to babysit your niece, he immediately wanted to help.  I'm talking feeding, naps, changing, everything.

He is adored by everyone in your family, even this baby.

Laughs at you while you set the infant girl down to let her crawl over to Karl, finally getting her to stop fussing.

"You are just precious- mwah!" "I want a kiss!" "Karl, babe, there's only supposed to be one baby in this house."

Always gets excited when he helps you take care of kids from your family, but definitely is more fond of the toddlers and babies, who aren't old enough to recognize him as Karl Jacobs.


This iPad kid freaks out over every little thing, literally baby proofs the whole house.

"Babe, you don't need to do that, he can't even walk yet." "That's how they trick you, your friends will fucking kill me if this baby gets hurt." "Whatever, drama queen."

Literally doesn't know what to do at first, even afraid to hold the baby.  But he eventually learns how to do things, and eventually takes over.

Is definitely one of those people who goes out with the harness things for babies.

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