{ONESHOT} (Tommy): Mother May I?

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Tw: abuse, manipulation, ✨mommy issues✨

Age: 17

Pronouns: she/her

Notes: mommy issues go brrrr royal au go brrrr

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
She had always lived her life walking on eggshells, with her back straight and encyclopedias stacked upon her head.

Don't do this.

Don't do that.

Sit like this.

Talk like that.

Don't eat that way!

Always smile.

You shouldn't talk so loudly.

Everything she did was wrong, unless it was exactly like her mother.  It was always "mother, may I?" and never "mother, I will."

Despite her straight posture she was a spineless creature, and lived in a flat plane of acceptance and people-pleasing, instead of the rolling hills and lush lands of rebellion and soulful beliefs.

Her land was filled with many people, a mob of faces she didn't know, but always held smiles, speaking of how they enjoyed how easy it was to travel throughout her land with the flat ground beneath their feet, not a single dip or raise in sight.

She longed for mountains higher than the birds in the sky could fly, and caverns as deep as the ocean is blue.

Her life changed the moment she met him.

He came from a place of huge hills and lush forests so deep you could get lost by stepping a single foot inside, with wind and rain and snow and sun, and plenty of joy.

His family had ventured from their castle in the North, all the way to the South Eastern planes for a ball.

She was standing alone, watching people dance, fake smiles and laughter, mingling together to tell stories that were hardly true and react to others lies with exaggerated exclamations.

"Care for a dance?" He had asked her.

She often found herself wishing she could see him for the first time all over again.

With his bright blue eyes, curly blonde hair, and tall stature, dressed up in his nations colors, he certainly was a handsome young man.

She politely declined, searching for an excuse as not to seem rude, as she could feel her mother's eyes on her.

The young prince let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders and smile dropping immediately.  "Thank Prime!" He exclaimed.  "I haven't the slightest idea how to, I was afraid you'd say yes." He chuckled, moving to stand next to the girl.

Her eyes widened, her lips parting slightly as she huffed out a shocked laugh.  She quickly composed herself.  "I've never met a prince who couldn't dance." She teased.

"I've never met a princess who didn't want to dance with me." The prince grinned in return.

The girl folded her hands carefully over the skirt of her light green ball gown, her lips twitching into a frown for a moment.  "Mm, perhaps I misjudged you, I thought you were different, but then you had to go and boast about-"

"No, no, no, no, no! That's not what I meant at all! I've never actually danced with anyone before..." He admitted, trying to save himself from the hole he'd dug.

The girl raised a brow at the young prince, pursing her lips.  "Princess (__) of the South Eastern Planes, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She introduced, nodding her head respectfully.

The boy smiled, relaxing.  "Prince Tommy, of the Arctic Empire."


"(__)! (__)! Wait up!" Tommy panted, running up to the girl who strolled through the rose garden.

She stopped, turning around gracefully, just in time for Tommy to run into her, making her stumble back slightly.

"What is it? What happened?" She asked calmly, taking note of the smile stretching the boys lips.

"Run away with me." Tommy breathed heavily, watching as her brows furrowed.  "We'll go to my kingdom, we'll be welcomed there!" He tried to reason.

(__) shook her head and laughed, taking his hands in hers.  "My love, I'll follow you to the edges of existence if it means you lead me away from here."

That night, as she crept out the window and into the young princes arms, she whispered the words screamed inside her mind.

"Mother, I will."


Is this because i have mommy issues? perhaps.  is this some of my best writing? oh absolutely.

idk if this makes sense to everyone but yk, i like it, basically the landscape of the kingdoms reflect what kind of people Tommy and reader are, Tommy accommodates for no one unless they have a reason, he stands up for what he believes in and is adventurous and lives outside of the confinement of social standards that are dumb.  reader has been forced to accommodate people she doesn't like no matter what, is forced to keep quiet about her beliefs, lives a bland life and stays inside the box of social standards, no matter how uncomfortable.

anyways i finally had a sleepover with my friend that we have been planning for almost four years what have y'all been doing?? anything exciting? have you pet a dog recently?? it's good for your mental health you should do it

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