{ONESHOT} (Tubbo): I Just Really Need A Hug

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Tw: reader is diagnosed with depression and ADHD

Requested? Nope!

Pronouns: she/her

So my keyboard magically started working again so that's great 😃👍, and I've decided my boss is really nice.

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
(__) sighed, running her fingers through her hair. She popped her knuckles and cracked her neck before scooting closer to the desk again, half glaring at her laptop.

"Something wrong?" Tubbo asked from the sofa.

(__) shook her head, humming a no as she continue writing her findings for her psychology class.

Different Love Languages and Why They Matter to Mental Health

Physical Touch:

She hadn't written anything for the love language, as it had been something plaguing her mind for weeks now.

You see, her boyfriend, Tubbo, wasn't really one for physical affection, she, on the other hand, craved it. Recently she'd been feeling more burnt out and down than normal, which the normal was only slight, considering she had clinical depression and ADHD, which caused her brain to not produce enough dopamine to keep her constantly happy.

She'd been going to therapy, doing the exercises her therapist told her to do, she'd set boundaries, and been more open about how she's feeling recently, but what she really wanted- no, needed, was a good, long, warm hug from her boyfriend.

That's where the problem was, she was afraid of pushing his boundaries, and was too shy to ask for just a simple hug. (__) found it frustrating, I mean, for fucks sake, they've even slept in the same bed together! Why was it so hard to ask for a hug when she's feeling down?!

She jumped slightly when she felt someone pull the gaming chair away from the desk, taking her with it. She looked up, only to be met with Toby's worried face looking down at her.

"Are you alright?" The brunette asked, seeming genuinely worried for the girl sat in his gaming chair.

(__) removed the blue light glasses from her face, looking down and rubbing her eyes. "I don't know, love, I'm just... I'm burnt out, but I've got so much I have to do and it all has a deadline, so it's not like I can take a break from it..." She said, her elbow on the armrest as she held her head in her hand.

Toby furrowed his brows, tilting his head. "How long has this been going on?" He asked softly.

(__) stayed silent, tearing up slightly and afraid to answer.

"(__), talk to me, please..." Tubbo whispered, kneeling beside the chair before spinning it so he could face her. "You were doing so well with talking about how your feeling with me, what happened?" He asked, placing a hand on her knee gently.

(__)'s free hand immediately flew down to grip his, squeezing his palm tightly as his thumb coursed over her knuckles. The girl sniffled, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks as she relished in the warm feeling of her hand in his, savouring the touch, the small contact only making her feel worse.

Tubbo watched for a few moments, unsure of what to do and only able to feel bad for his girlfriend.

He glanced around the room for clues, his eyes landing on the laptop screen. His eyes softened at the words on the digital page, immediately making the connection.

He stood up, and pulled the girl off the chair, into his arms, he walked back over to the sofa and sat down with her in his lap.

"Please tell me what's wrong." Tubbo begged, feeling (__) hide her face in his shoulder.

"I- I just... I know you're not entirely comfortable with physical affection, and I wanted to respect your boundaries, so I just... I was too scared to just ask for a hug, and that's all I really wanted..." (__) whimpered, gripping the front of her boyfriends hoodie.

Tubbo nodded, rubbing the girls back, applying more pressure than normal as he knew it calmed her down. "I appreciate you minding the boundaries I've set, but you also have needs that have to be met," he said softly. "One of them is receiving affection, I sometimes forget that so you have to remind me, (__), it's okay to ask for a hug, I'll always be comfortable hugging you and giving you affection."

(__) sniffled, nodding against his shoulder, closing her eyes. "Okay... 'M sorry I worried you." She mumbled.

Tubbo pulled (__) away slightly so he could look inter her eyes. "You don't need to apologize, it's okay." He said, one of his hands coming up to cup her cheek, wiping the tears that fell.

He smiled slightly, hugging her to his chest again, pressing a small kiss to her temple. "I don't say this enough, but I love you, and I care so much about you and how you feel, please don't keep things like this from me." He whispered into her hair.

(__) chuckled slightly. "When did you get so good at comforting people?" She asked jokingly, sniffling afterwards.

"Ranboo... And I guess you too, but mostly Ranboo." Tubbo teased, making (__) laugh.


Tommy and Ranboo walked into the living room, having checked every room in the flat for Tubbo, and not finding him.

Tommy suddenly was stopped by Ranboo, who had put a hand on the blondes shoulder.

"Tommy, look." He whispered, pointing across the room.

The younger followed his direction, and found his best friend laying on the couch, asleep, his girlfriend, (__), the same way, between his legs, laying on his chest with her arms wrapped around him. One of Toby's arms was wrapped protectively around the girls waist, the other was on her upper back, between her shoulder blades.

Tommy was quick to whip out his phone and snap several pictures. "Blackmail." Came his reason once Ranboo asked.

"Come on, let's let them sleep." Ranboo urged, shooing Tommy out of the room. Before the American boy left, though, he draped a soft, yellow blanket over his friends sleeping bodies, pulling it up to (__)'s shoulders. He flicked off the light as he left.

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