[PREFERENCE]: When They Find Out You Vape

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Tw: vaping/smoking

Notes: recently screamed at my roller derby teammate and felt really good about even though my coach made the entire team do 50 pushups so yeah

Enjoy, darlings!



- slightly upset
- tries to get you to stop put isn't too pushy as he knows it's your choice
- asks you not to do it around Drista, though, since she looks up to you and he'd prefer not to have to be on her ass about vaping
- throws the disposable ones away sometimes and blames Patches for it


- doesn't really mind
- asks you not to do it around Tommy and Tubbo when y'all meet up, as they're young impressionable boys
- stepped on a disposable one time on accident, now does it regularly bc it's 'accidental' and he knows you won't get mad at that


- thinks in theory it's hot but in reality it was just because he made you switch from smoking cigarettes
- "why does our room smell like fruit?" "*Coughs through an aggressive laugh* huh?"
- sometimes asks for a hit
- "what flavour is that?" "strawberry cheesecake." "disgusting."

Karl Jacobs:

- doesn't actively encourage it but sometimes buys you disposables when you run out of juice for your rig
- doesn't let you do it on stream or in videos with him or Jimmy, since he knows a lot of young impressionable kids watch
- asks you to shotgun it sometimes


- his first reaction was to smack the vape out of your hand
- "i understand that you're your own person and you can make your own decisions, but i am making it clear that i do not condone your behavior." "okay chief" *takes a hit*
- complains about the smell of fruit on your clothes all the time
- doesn't even let a whisper about it out on stream or in videos

Wilbur Soot:

- the first thing he said was "that's such an e-girl thing, what the fuck."
- thinks it's hot
- sometimes it makes his asthma act up so he tries to get you to stop but he's not that pushy about it cuz he doesn't really care

Jack Manifold:

- doesn't like it
- his brother hates it too, so much so that when he found one in your gym back he snapped it in half right in front of you (you made him do 50 pushups with you on your back tho)
- if he sees someone in his chat mention vaping/smoking he quickly explains the negative effects and discourages it immediately


- he found a bunch of disposable ones behind your PC one time and rig and juice under your pillows when he visited
- he made you throw them all away
- he's trying to get you to quit
- sometimes he'll catch you and you'll always feel bad because instead of getting angry he gets sad
- like, REALLY sad, he gets this look on his face and you immediately throw everything away
- he let it go in for a while at first but didn't let you do it around his sister's
- he started a "things to do instead of vape" jar, where everytime you would get cravings for nicotine, you'd put the cost of a disposable or juice or a new rig into the jar
- y'all ended up buying everyone christmas gifts with the money


- absolute fuming when he finds out
- he got a custom shirt that said "vaping kills" like his "smoking kills" shirt
- yelled at you for a good hour about it
- "there's no reason for you to be doing this to yourself!" "i'll quit when i'm happy!"
- that shut him up and made him reevaluate the situation
- helped you to quit for a while, and still helps you when you struggle with it


- pretends not to care but in reality he does
- asks you not to do it around Lani bc she looks up to you
- offers alternatives to it
- makes a point to hold his breath until he vapor clears after you take a hit


- walked into 7-11 one night and found you alone at the counter vaping
- made a joke about if 7-11 cards for vapes
- "in all seriousness, give that to me, i'm making you quit."
- told Dream and then the whole smp was on your ass about it
- even the fans were on your ass
- you promptly quit
- but not before dream and Ranboo had to make a statement about how everyone was being really mean about it


- like in the tongue piercing preference, he hates it, but doesn't try too hard to stop you
- told your uncle (BadBoyHalo) about it tho, and he was on your ass about it for months, Skeppy too
- all of the tiredtwt group banned together to get you to quit
- "look, I get it, we're eighteen now (happy belated birthday Purpled!), you wanna be free, but you're still underage!"


love how this is coming from someone who vapes lmao

when he cares about your mental health another to help you stop vaping 😍😩

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