{ONESHOT} (Technoblade): I Wanna Fucking Quit /PLATONIC\

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Tw: really angry a/n at the end

Requested? Nope

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 16

Home country: America

Notes: i want to fucking quit derby

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
(__) skates away from her bench, an angry look on her face.  Tears poured down her cheeks as she made it to her gear bag, ignoring some of the parents and siblings of her teammates asking what was wrong.

She fell to her knees, breaking down into barely muffled sobs as she tore off her wrist guards.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" Her brothers deep voice asked as he kneeled in front of her.

"I wanna quit." (__) sobbed, pulling off her second wrist guard.  "I wanna fucking quit!" She cried as she threw the piece of derby gear to the floor.

"Hey now, just take a deep breath," the older said calmly.  "What happened?" He asked gently.

"Dan keeps grabbing me and pushing me, and he keeps directioning me and hitting people while he's out of play, and he's fucking hitting people in the face!" The teen exclaimed as she unclipped her helmet, setting it down gently so she didn't break the clear visor.  "I wanna quit, Techno, I can't do this shit anymore!"

"No, you don't want to quit," Techno said soothingly.  "Tell me what just happened on the track."

(__) sniffled, wiping her face as she began to pull on the Velcro straps of her knee pads.  "He went to take my jammer back- and I stood in front of him so he would stop and he didn't, and even after he hit me he kept pushing, a-and I screamed 'watch your directions please' and the r-refs thought I cussed." She explained, throwing her safety pads into her gear bag.

Techno nodded, beginning to help her untie her skates, working on one while she worked on the other.  "Just because he's an asshole doesn't mean you have to quit," he said gently.  "Talk to your coaches, they can talk to him and get this problem fixed, I promise." He assured the girl as he pulled off her skate carefully, setting it in her gear bag.

(__) hiccuped, wiping her cheeks before hiding her face in her knees.  "I hate him..." She whimpered.

The man sighed, moving to sit next to his sister, wrapping his arm around her.  "I know you do," he whispered.  "I know."


hey shawties, y'all want the 411 on wtf happened??? no?? to fuckin bad.

So, for starters, in roller derby you are not allowed to hit someone on the opposing team in a clockwise direction, you're not allowed to use your hands or forearms to affect the position (basically move any part of their body or push them) of an opposing player, you're not allowed to hit an opposing player in the center of their back (this rule is in place because if you do that you could break someone's back and possibly paralyze them), and you're not allowed to hit any opposing player from their neck up.

so on the 14th i was in a mixed team scrimmage, and someone from my league was on the opposing mixed team.  can you guess what that person did? all of the things i just listed.

so, 20 minutes into the second half, i obviously had had more than enough, and he hits my jammer out, and goes to take them back.  now i'm not about to let that happen so i stand in his way,knowing that if he's as good as he thinks he is, he'll stop like the rest of his teammates have done when i've stopped them from taking the jammer back.

he doesn't.  he hits me in the fucking face and i stumble back.

so if you keep up with my little authors notes you should know that i don't take that shit and so, like any sane person would do, i screamed at him and laid his ass out on the sport court.

what did i scream, you ask??

"Watch your directions," and because i'm oh so polite i added "please."

now none of you have heard my voice, but when i scream at people, i kinda sound like the frontman of a death metal band, but that's not the point right now.

so since i screamed at an opposing player with such anger, i receive a misconduct.  that's fair.  i was angry.  i screamed at him.  that's not exactly good sportsmanship.

so i go to the box, pissed, and 5 seconds into my 30 second penalty box visit, i'm joined by this teammate, and i'm so fucking pissed at him by now that i just break down in the box because i can't scream a battle cry and start a fight.

i get out of the box two seconds before the jam ends and i go sit on my bench.  a referee comes over and i'm expelled from the scrimmage for gross misconduct, and i'm told to stop cussing on the track.


cussing?? when, pray the FUCK tell, did i cuss at that person?

circling back to my prior statement of 'when i scream at people, i kinda sound like the frontman of a death metal band', i realize that when i said 'watch' two of the referees heard 'bitch'.

i put my helmet back on, which i removed when i sat on the bench, turn to my coach and say "i want to quit." and skate away and into the crowd of spectators.

i gear down, and speak to my other coach who was sitting with the spectators, and explain that i have three options; fight that teammate, quit, or talk to my coaches.

we all know that i'm a pretty reasonable person, right?

so obviously i'm gonna talk to my coaches.  if they can't clear this shit up, put him in his place or he can't fix his shit, i'm quitting derby at the end of august.  forever.

i'm so fucking sick and tired of worrying about my own fucking SAFETY because he can't fucking control his hits, and he ends up hurting everyone.  the toll it's taken on my mental health has caused so much stress and grief and i can't fucking take it anymore.

i already put up with a lot of shit, from my sibling, my brother, my mom and my dad, but that's because i have to, i'm not stable enough to cut them off so for now i have to just deal with it, but i'm not gonna take part in this battle for superiority that my teammate started.  for two whole years i've dealt with his shit, and i'm sick of it.  if things aren't fixed i'm gone.  i'm done with him.  i'm done with my league.  i'm done with my coaches.  i'm done with roller derby.  forever.

if anyone wants to talk shit about him in the comments, please do, it would make me feel a lot better about not getting to curse him to death.

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