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Notes: is this an excuse to show off my precious baby boy? yes. everyone, meet Bong Water, i have no idea what breed he is but he's gray and his belly fur is curly and he gets stuck in trees 😌 lmao- anyway this is basically just to give dumbass names to animals and give y/n scary dog privileges sometimes- you'll understand in a minute

Enjoy, darlings!



Really the only pet in the relationship is Patches, but honestly, as it should be, Patches is queen, best girl, a Material Gorl if you will, and we all love her very much 😌


When you started dating George you got an itty bitty calico kitten who you named Scarecrow, and she yells at you all the time, and she's so small, like, fits in the palm of George's hand, small. She's got both of you wrapped around her little paw.


Sapnap isn't really good with keeping track of pets, I feel like, so you decided to get a pet hermit crab and named him Ru Paul

Karl Jacobs:

You have a boxer terrier named Charles, his fur is black with a little bit of white on his chest and Karl absolutely adores him


Quackity's cat absolutely loves you, which is funny because... Well... Yeah 🙂 reasons. But you don't really see the need to get another pet if you already have one

Wilbur Soot:

You have a ball python named Scarlett, Wilbur thinks it's cool and likes to pretend that he's not scared of her but every time he holds her he's freezes up like a mannequin lmao

Jack Manifold:

You have brown boxer named Rosey, she's about a year old and is one of the sweetest animals ever, and you always talk about how glad you are that you got to bring her with over to the UK


Pet pig.

Jk jk lmao

You have a doberman named Roxanne, and a rottweiler named Bones, and you've talked about getting his teeth coated in titanium but you said you were gonna do more research on it to make sure it was safe and humane


Betty and Walter are all that you need in your life they're the best you can it convince me otherwise


Tubbo has Rocky, and your family has a corgi puppy named Jegs. Don't ask where the name comes from, no one could tell you if they wanted to


You have three ferrets, Eeny, Miney, and Moe, all of them are girls and you brought them in from a neglectful home that didn't know how to take care of them, but now they're all living their best life at your house


For his eighteenth birthday you sent him a picture of a cat you had adopted, a black and white feline that you have affectionately named Butler for his impressive mustache and the little bowtie pattern on his chest that his fur makes



i started an incorrect quotes book of shit my friends and i have said y'all should check it out, it's called Cherry Valentine And Company Incorrect Quotes

i promise you we've all actually said/done these things i'm not making any of it up, but it's mostly gonna be like the book Wilbur has of shit Tommy says lmao

anyways, my birthday is in just a little over two weeks? i kinda wanna go all out and have the best party of my life but that shits in a fuckin wednesday and i have derby practice so i guess i'll settle for doing something either on the weekend or trying to cram everything into a 8 hour time frame lmao

Also as i'm writing this it's snowing outside? bitch it never snows here?? i wanna have the first snowball fight of my life i hope it sticks to the ground and when i wake up tomorrow j can go ape shit and demolish my family in a snowball fight

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