{ONESHOT} (Tubbo): Buffbo

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Requested? Nope!

Home country: England

Age: 17

Pronouns: she/her

Notes: just a collection of scenes of Buff Tubbo™ with a girlfriend that I think would be cute

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
(__) stared down, unamused as Tommy moved the ladder away from the tree in her backyard.

"Tommy, put it back!" She exclaimed.  She hadn't wanted to climb the tree in the first place, but both boys had refused to help her get her cat out of the higher branches.

"Come on, man, just put it back!" Tubbo urged, shoving his friends arm slightly.

"Just jump down, (__) it's not that bad! Even Cathy did it!" Tommy grinned, motioning to the calico that sat on the girls back porch, licking her paws gracefully.

"Cathy's s fucking cat, you prick, and I'm in my bitch stomping boots! I'll break something if I jump!" (__) hissed, gripping the branch she sat on as if that could stop her from falling.

"Fine, Tommy, if you're just gonna be like that, jump, (__), I'll catch you." Tubbo said, pushing his taller friend to the side and rolling up his sleeves slightly.

(__) felt her face heat up slightly.  "No, Toby, you'll just drop me." She argued.

"No, I won't, I promise!" The brunette reassured, looking up at his helpless girlfriend.

"Simp." Tommy grinned, barking out a laugh afterwards.

"Take Cathy inside if you're just gonna stand there and be an asshole." (__) scowled.

Tommy rolled his eyes, shaking his head.  "No, then you'll just take the ladder back!" He argued.

"If you let my cat run away, so help me god, I'll-"

"Fine, fine! But I'm taking this!" Tommy interrupted, picking up the ladder and quickly running across the yard, stuffing it into the old, rickety shed.

"Tommy, you prick!" (__) shouted, watching as her blonde friend scooped up her cat and took her inside, but not before flipping her off.

She sighed, shaking her head.  She looked back down, seeing her boyfriend still standing there, ready to catch her.  "Dude, just go get the ladder." She grumbled, her blush returning.

"Nah, I kinds wanna do this now." The boy grinned.

(__) scoffed, looking at him like he had grown another head.  "Why?!" She hissed, feigning anger.

As smooth as he was trying to be, Tubbo couldn't help the the red tint that crept up his face.  "Because you like that I'm strong." He replied.

(__) huffed, rolling her eyes.  "Fine, are you ready?" She asked.  She received a nod, and pushed herself off the tree branch, closing her eyes.  She waited for the impact of the hard ground, but it never came.  Instead, she landed in strong, muscular arms, and was held there for a few moments.

"You can open your eyes now." Tubbo laughed.  (__) did, and looked around as he began to walk back to the door, headed back inside the girls warm house.  "I told you I wouldn't drop you."


(__) shrieked slightly as someone lifted her by her waist from behind, spinning her in the air before setting her down again.

"(__)!" A familiar voice exclaimed.

The girl turned around to face the mystery person.  "Toby! Fuck, you scared me!" She laughed, placing a hand over her chest.

The couple hugged, (__) placing a small kiss to her boyfriends cheek.  "I missed you." She whispered.

"Hey, we're here too!" Wilbur interrupted the moment.

"No you're not."


(__) walked towards Tubbo.  "Hey sunshine- oh, sorry, are you streaming?" She gasped quietly, stepping out of the webcams view slightly.

Tubbo turned around, Ranboo turning to face the girl as well.  "Hmm? Yeah, we are, what's up?" He asked, waving her over more.

"Uhh, can't get the honey open, you closed it too tight." (__) mumbled as she walked over, passing the jar of honey over to her boyfriend.

Tubbo took it.  "No I didn't." He said, twisting the lid, and with slight effort, he popped the lid off the jar, handing the two pieces to (__).

"Thanks, sunshine." (__) smiled, taking the now open jar and it's lid with one hand, leaning down and cupping her boyfriends cheek with the other, pressing a kiss to his forehead.


Tubbo sat on the roof of the pavilion, grinning down at his girlfriend.  "Come on, it's not that hard!" He teased.

(__) pouted, crossing her arms.  "Maybe for you! But I have noodle arms! I can't pull myself up!" She complained.

Tubbo laughed slightly, standing up.  "Give me your hand, I'll pull you up." He offered, reaching his hand down to (__).

The girl stared at his hand for a long, few moments, before sighing in defeat and taking his hand.  She got ready to help pull herself up, but before she could do anything, she was already being pulled up onto the roof.

Toby sat next to her, smiling as if he hadn't just lifted an entire seventeen year old girl onto the roof of a pavilion.

"What?" Tubbo asked as he caught her gaze.

"Nothing." (__) shook her head before laying against his shoulder.  She sighed.  "You're just pretty."


Hello! I'm currently on my Buffbo brain rot arc, so have this.

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