{ONESHOT} (Ranboo): Come With Me

862 13 3

Tw:  none

Requested? Nope

Pronouns: he/him

Home country: this is an au but you're prince of the antarctic empire

Age: 18

Notes: Ranboo and (__) being cute idk

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
(__) sat in the back yard with Ranboo, laying in the grass.

"What what's the End like?" (__) asked, his head resting on the other boys stomach as he played with his hair.

Ranboo sighed.  "There's thousands of floating islands in an otherwise empty expanse of space...  Huge city's or small towns...  I wish you could see it..." He said softly.

(__) smiled at the thought.  "I've never been anywhere but this kingdom...  My dad would tell me stories when I was little about when he would travel to mountains and beaches everywhere in the country...  My mom didn't like to travel at all so...  I've been stuck here my whole life..." The girl frowned.

Ranboo looked down at him, his heart aching at the sadness and longing in his eyes.

"When I...  When I go back to the End...  Do you...  Would you like too...  Could you come with me?" He asked shyly.

(__) sat up quickly, his eyes wide.  "Of course, I'd love too!" He exclaimed. 

Ranboo smiled, opening his mouth to reply, only for (__) to tackle him in a hug, one hand cushioning his head from hitting the ground and the other gripping the back of his shirt.  "I- I don't know what to say- I could kiss you right now!" He shouted.

The teens paused, their faces slowly turning red as they realized what (__) had said.

"I- I mean...  If you want to, I can't say I'd be apposed to it." Ranboo mumbled, his hands finding their way to (__)'s hips.

(__) smiled again, and slowly leaned in.  He pressed her lips to Ranboo's, feeling him melt into the affection.  His entire body relaxed, and he snaked his arms around (__)'s waist, pulling him closer. 

When they pulled away, (__) hid his face in Ranboo's shoulder, grinning like an idiot.  "Oh, come on, you can't hide from me now, prince,  not after that..!" Ranboo chuckled, his thumbs rubbing circles into the other boys sides.  (__) whined in response, moving to hide his face in the tallers neck.  "You're so cute like this..." Ranboo mumbled, closing his eyes and laying his head down again.

A few minutes passed, the only sounds being carriages driving past out back, and a gentle breeze ruffling the leaves.

"Was it warm in the End?" (__) asked.

Ranboo hummed, nodding.  "The void surrounding us didn't stop heat from traveling long distances, so it was hot all the time." He replied, his eyes still closed.

(__) sighed.  "That explains why you're a portable fucking heater..." He mumbled tiredly.

The half enderman chuckled, a grin lighting his features as he lazily began trailing his fingers up and down the shorter boys back.  "I don't understand why it always has to be so damn cold here, it's ridiculous," he said.

(__) shrugged.  "I prefer it to be cold, you can always add layers or create a heat source, but if it's hot you could be butterball ass naked and still be too hot." He huffed.

Ranboo snorted, his hand pausing it's movements briefly as he laughed.  (__) giggled along with him, sitting up slightly.  He reached her hands up to cup the tallers face, brushing a few strands of hair away from his eyes before leaning down.

Just as he was about to kiss him again, the door to the backyard opened.  "Come on, lovebirds, time for dinner!" Techno called.

"We'll be right there!" (__) called back, receiving a thumbs up from the other prince before he went back inside.  (__) turned back to Ranboo, who was staring at the door where Techno had stood moments before with annoyance clear on his face.  "Oh, stop it, there's plenty more kisses for you, pretty boy." (__) smiled, covering the boys face with kisses, leaving the final one for his lips before rolling off him.

Ranboo grinned, sitting up.  "Do we have to go inside?" He sighed.

(__) nodded.  "Yeah, I haven't eaten all day so I'm kinda looking forward to food." He replied.

"I can be the only snack you'll ever need, though." Ranboo chuckled.

(__) rolled his eyes, but still smiled.  "You're such a dork, I should've never told you what that meant," he laughed.  "Now help me up, please, you brought me out here, you can bring me back in." He commanded, raising her hands.

Ranboo stood, dusting grass off his pants and the back of his shirt before leaning down and yanking (__) up.  He held him in his arms for a moment before dipping (__) back, keeping a tight grip on him as he maintained eye contact with him.

He pressed a slow, sweet kiss to (__)'s lips before standing up again as he pulled away.  "Come on, prince." He grinned, scooping him up into his arms and heading towards the door.


idk what this is but it's the closest i've gotten to 1k words in months bc all my writing inspiration has died recently

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