{ONESHOT} (Technoblade): Spirit

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Tw: destruction, fighting, gore, death


Pronouns: they/them

Notes: i just kinda started writing enjoy

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
The sun trickled through the gaps between the swaying leaves, the beams of light visible with the ash floating through the air.

The citizens of a fallen country were dotted across the destroyed landscape, their faces frozen in shock while hot tears trickled down from their searching eyes as they walked around, trying to find something that hadn't burned, hadn't been destroyed, hadnt been obliterated by an act of hatred and insanity.

In the middle of the once great land, a figure knelt, their form hunched over as they hid their face in their hands. If you listened closely, you could hear their heart breaking to pieces over their painful sobs, tormented cries echoing thought their surroundings.

Their robes sprawled out around them, like they had descended from the heavens above the sky, the white silks and sheer fabrics collecting gray ash and blackened dirt, the front of it collecting their tears. Their skin glowed in the sun in an inhuman way, and occasionally, when they wiped their face, white irises could be visible, black scleral solidifying any suspicions of the figure being a creature not of this world.

The figure sobbed and wailed in what seemed like agonizing pain, beginning to claw at their chest as they looked up into the sky, crying out something in a tongue that had never been seen nor heard.

As the dust settled, two figures emerged from the destruction, one donning a forest green cloak, the hood up and a mask obscuring their face, the other with a dark red cape caked in blood and dirt, their hands and the rest of their clothes the same way.

The two new figures approached, the cloaked figure removing the hood to expose short blonde hair, and unclasping the mask to reveal one or the men responsible for so much chaos and destruction.

The two men approached the cry figure, coming to stand in front of them as their sobs quieted to almost nothing, save for the quick, sharp breaths that provided little air and lots of ash.

"Who are you?" The blonde asked, aiming his axe and them.

The figure slowly looked down from the sky, meeting his eyes sharply. "I am the spirit of this land, the land you destroyed!" They answered, voice shaking and hoarse.

The blondes green eyes narrowed, and he opened his mouth to spit out his disbelief and the person in front of him, but the blood covered man next to him stopped him, holding his arm in front of him.

"I was unaware a spirit resided here, you have my deepest apologies." He said, moving his hand from in front of his companion to cross his arm over his chest, kneeling before the spirit.

"Get up, Technoblade, they're bluffing." The blonde spat, still holding his axe out to the spirit, ready to attack if they became hostile, or if it made him angry.

Technoblade scowled, reaching up and yanking his partner in crime to the ground with him. "Dream. They'll kill you if you keep up like this." He hissed.

The green cloaked man, now known as Dream, scoffed, watching in shock and disgust as Technoblade Drew his sword, only to lay it in front of the spirit. "Technoblade-"

"I'm willing to receive any punishment you see fit for me, just know that I will forever regret harming you." The Piglin man said gently, bowing his head to the spirit in front of him.

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