{ONESHOT} (Ranboo): I Think You're Really Cool

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Tw: heartbreak, unrequited love

Requested? No.

Age: 24 (you'll understand in a minute)

Pronouns: she/her

Notes: you'll understand as you read.  reader is female but is wearing a suit bc she funny like that, and also, Ranboo is aged up bc i don't think he'd have friend who would get married at like 18

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
(__) paced her room, trying to smooth out the wrinkles of her dress shirt.  "What if I mess up, Boo? What if she says no?!" She asked, looking at the door that separated her from her best friend.

She heard the man sigh, and the door clicked open, revealing the tall, thin man behind it.  "(__), calm down," he said.  "Nothing bad is gonna happen, you just need to relax."

(__) rolled her eyes.  "Wow, real helpful advice, Boo." She groaned, crossing her arms over her chest.

The taller of the two took the time to take in his best friends appearance.

She wore a pair of black slacks that hugged her hips and thighs, a white dress shirt tucked into the waistband and buttoned up almost all the way, the top four left undone and exposing the white t-shirt she wore underneath.  Her black tie and blazer were hanging off the back of the chair she had sat in to do her makeup.  Speaking of, the red lipstick she had chosen to coat her lips contrasted elegantly with the neutral colors of her eyeshadow, and Ranboo always wondered how she was able to get the wings of her liner perfectly symmetrical.

He sighed, stepping forward.  "Fine, you want advice? Too bad, you're not getting any," he huffed.  "But what I will tell you, is that Addison loves you, she wouldn't have said yes the first time if she didn't." He pulled (__) closer by her shoulders, and began buttoning up the last four buttons on her shirt.  "All you have to do, is go out there, say your vows and kiss your wife.  I'll be next to you the entire time, I promise." He sighed, walking over to the chair in front of the vanity, picking up the black tie off the back of the chair.

As his fingers got a feel for the black silk fabric, he tried to ignore the pain of his heart shattering in his chest.  He didn't know how he was going to be able to watch the love of his life get married to the love of her life.  He had a front row seat to his worst nightmare.

He turned back around, and stood in front of (__), popping the collar of her shirt up and sliding the tie around it.  "I..." He sighed, debating whether or not to get everything off his chest right now.  He distracted himself with tying the strip of fabric in a knot around his best friends neck.  "I...  Think you're really cool, and Addison would be stupid to say no to you, cuz in my mind, it'd be an honor to have my heart broken by you." He decide to say instead.

(__) laughed softly, smiling up at her best friend fondly.  "Thanks, Boo...  I feel a lot better." She said as he finished with her tie.  She fixed her collar and looked in the mirror, stepping forward to grab her blazer and slipping it on over her shoulders. 

She sighed, her gaze trailing over to the man behind her in the mirror.  "You'll be there...  Right..?" She all but whispered.

Ranboo kept his face calm, and forced himself to hold back his tears.  "I'll be there in every situation, and I'll be anything you need." He replied softly.

(__) nodded, smiling her bright smile that Ranboo had fallen in love with forever ago.  "Alright...  I'm ready."

So the day went on, the ceremony was beautiful, and the reception was an absolute blast.  Everyone was having fun, but Ranboo found himself unable to let loose.

He found himself outside, sitting on the stairs, ignoring the party inside and sipping his drink.  He didn't turn to look at his friend as they say down next to him, looking out at the sand of the beach, his own drink in his hand.

"(__) picked a nice place for the reception, huh?" The British brunette asked, brushing his soft curls of his eyes.

"She didn't pick it, Addison did..." Ranboo sighed, narrowing his eyes at the horizon, the setting sun almost blinding him.  He sipped his drink, the liquid burning his throat on it was down as he finished it off before he set his glass down.  "If (__) picked the venue, we'd be in the mountains, or a castle in the mountains...  The venue would be a lot more green if (__) picked it." He frowned.

His friend hummed, nodding.  "So I take it you didn't tell her?" He asked gently, finally tilting his head to analyze the older males slumped shoulders and numb expression.

"How could I, Tubbo? It's her wedding day, for fucks sake! How am I gonna ruin that for her?" Ranboo exclaimed, now turning to meet his companions eyes.  "How could I take away the one thing I'm supposed to give her?"

Tubbo thought for a moment, frowning deeply.  "The first person you have to take care of is yourself, if you always put others before you, eventually, you'll lose yourself, and then you won't be able to take care of anyone," he said wisely.  "Now I'm not gonna tell you whether or not you should tell (__), because whatever you choose is what you have to live with, but you can't take anything back.  You can't take back telling her, but if you look around, you can't take back not telling her."

Ranboo craned his neck to look at the party inside, the newly wed couple sitting together, smiling, talking, laughing, talking some more and then laughing again.  He looked away as their lips met.

"I..." He sniffled, looking down into his lap.  "I need to go."


and Ranboo was never seen again 😌

this was supposed to be a fluffy oneshot about Mr. Boo tying his male best friends tie before he got married n shit but then someone on my team confessed to having a crush on me and when i rejected him he was crying in the bathroom so now you get unrequited love and sadness


my friends went out to buy disposables today and the dude told us all the tea about how kids in my town would snitch on him TO THE POLICE and then would come back the next fucking day to buy more

love that, i almost offered to beat up some children too lmao

i was also supposed to be in a parade tonight so i did my makeup and everything and then as we were pulling out the driveway my sibling was like 'oop it was cancelled due to weather' and now i'm pissed

also, the person that requested the irl Technoblade x Reader, it's coming up don't worry, but this was already in the works when you requested and i had to get the idea out of my head before it consumed my entire being

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